SSTU - Shadow Space Technologies Unlimited

SSTU - Shadow Space Technologies Unlimited


SC-GEN-MDC + SC-GEN-MPC - New Parts (Modular Decoupler / Modular ProbeCore)

shadowmage45 opened this issue ยท 8 comments


Analogues to the ProceduralDecoupler and ProceduralProbeCore that use the ModularPart setup. These would use pre-built models and include texture switching. Adapter/nose/mount selection is also a possibility.

Could likely use the existing SSTUModularFuelTank module code with minor adaptions to handle manipulation of the decoupler force.

SSTUModularFuelTank module could have some simple 'on-geometry-changed' callback/delegates added, or create a derived/child class.


Can you elaborate on this? Not sure what the parts will do.


These would be simple decoupler/probe cores, but with actual models and textures. They would still feature re-scaling (whole model scaling), but would not have independently adjustable height controls.

For decouplers think stuff like a lattice decoupler for Soyuz hot-staging. Or a special form-fitting decoupler for the reworked LC tanks (octagonal form factor); or other special form-factor decouplers where the simple procedural cylinder doesn't work.

For probe cores, something like the Saturn-V IMU (along with the other non-standard form-factors mentioned for the decouplers; octagonal, square, etc):

95% of the code to make it work already exists; just needs models+textures created.


Ah, gotcha!!!


A nice feature for decouplers would be optional ullage rockets. I was actually surprised considering the general them of every part being able to do anything that part could possibly do that I didn't see that in the decoupler options the first time I tried one.


Hate to break it to you... but there is a seperate decoupler with motors built in that you can set as ullage or retro rockets. My favorite decoupler in the game ;)))


SSTU has that? Ok only thing I can guess is I haven't gotten to it in tech tree, but since I was doing the 1500 science stuff in the CTT I figured I was past any basic equipment like that. The only ones I know of that have built-in ullage are a couple from I think KWR, but only 1.25 and 2.5.


This part here:

The 'Interstage Decoupler'. Combination interstage fairing + ullage (or retro) motors. Fairing portion is recolorable, engines not (yet).


Yep, you can even make it longer and taper it to make a real interstage fairing with integrated ullage or retro.