SSTU - Shadow Space Technologies Unlimited

SSTU - Shadow Space Technologies Unlimited


Request: Round nose/mount on LV tank

Jimbodiah opened this issue ยท 5 comments


There is an octagonal mount/nose option right now. Would it be possible at some point to add a round version as well? There is an extended round frame now, but that is quite wide, the octagonal one is one size narrower and would fit a CM or round tank very well.


Not easily; the texture sheets are very packed as it is, I don't think there is room to add more new geometry anywhere.

Which means... not really doable. Would require a new texture sheets that would end up with duplicate sections for the tank domes/etc; very inefficient use of textures, and time (would have to UV unwrap the new geometry, and re-unwrap the re-used geometry for the new texture sheet).

Had the request been made while I was working on the geometry originally, I likely could have found a way to make it work out. At this point in time it would be very time consuming to make the addition.


No problem... ;)


One thing I might be able to do would be to make a stand-alone adapter part, and/or an adapter part that can be used on the -other- fuel tanks to adapt them to an octagonal form factor.

-Might- be able to integrate that stand-alone model into the MFT-LV by using a COMPOUND-MODEL_DATA model definition for it (creating a new adapter definition, re-using one of the existing models with the new adapter added in).

Going to re-open this while I give it a bit more thought. No guarantee that anything will come out of it...


No problem! Thanks for looking.


Unfortunately it does not look like this will be doable as proposed without major changes to the existing models and textures, adding in the new geometry. Essentially would require a complete rework of all of the part models/textures... so many tens of hours of work.

The existing 'octagonal' mount isn't actually a form factor. It is just an octagonal piece to cover up the tanks, intended to give -something- to mount engines/etc onto. If it happens to be close to a standard stack-mount size... it is entirely coincidental.

The possibility will exist in the 1.4+ rework versions to add further 'nose/mount' adapters to the part, but these would be added on above/below the existing 'ring' style mount.

The possibility also still exists to add in an 'octagonal' form-factor (more mounts/adapters, for use on all tanks) -- but would be a much larger project, and nothing that I could commit too for the foreseeable future.