SSTU - Shadow Space Technologies Unlimited

SSTU - Shadow Space Technologies Unlimited

98.5k Downloads - Progress Tracking

shadowmage45 opened this issue ยท 0 comments


Progress Tracking for Release

  • ETA - 11/18/17 (no guarantee)
  • It is possible that some items on this list will get pushed to future releases, it is only a rough outline of plans.
  • Items may be added/removed arbitrarily. If you want to make sure something gets addressed, open an issue ticket on it (if one does not already exist).



  • FIX - Deployable Solar Panel - copy-paste problems
    • Need to figure out why the transform is null during the OnSave call. Why/where is the transform being deleted after it was -already located-? Is there some KSP code that is calling a re-init function in the MSC module somehow, causing it to re-generate those models?
    • Add debugging to MSC to output when models are updated/created/destroyed
    • Add debugging to DSP to output when transforms are located, and when OnSave is being called

Pushed To Next Release:

  • Re-UV the MFT tank models (A/B/C/CF) to make them step in discreet unit lengths.
    • This is to allow for a paneled COS-like texture to be applied while still ensuring that panels are not interrupted/split.
    • Should also make it possible to add more details to the other tank textures, as there can be some assurance that the details won't get cutoff randomly.
  • SC-B-CM - PBR texture - fix under-cap NRM details; triangulation is all wrong, causing major distortion. Apparently SP is winding the quads differently than Unity.
  • MHS - Stand-alone model
    • Adjust the existing SC-X-CM parts to use stand-alone HS model and textures
      • texture-switch module added to parts
    • Shader/material based wear.
    • Shader based heat emissive.
  • Flag decal mesh in tanks/etc needs to use a different shader. It looks like it uses an unlit shader at some angles/lighting setups.
  • Add recoloring mask for ST-MST (the rotating base thing; not the actual panels)
  • Recoloring + PBR masks - SC-ENG-MOUNT-FLAT
  • Recoloring + PBR masks - SC-ADPT-TANK-NONE
  • Recoloring + PBR masks - SC-GEN-ISDC rockets
  • FIX - Re-export RL-10-A4 engine to fix off-center thrust transform
    • Also fix to have round collider.
  • PAR
    • MET textures seem...odd...
  • MUS-Intertank & Domes
    • Seem to be mising AO for some configurations
  • Create models for:
    • Modular RCS structural standoffs - multiple lengths of basic truss (or stack cubic octagonal struts?).
    • Stand-alone lattice decoupler
    • Octagonal Decoupler