SSTU - Shadow Space Technologies Unlimited

SSTU - Shadow Space Technologies Unlimited


Request: Close Petal Adapters

Jimbodiah opened this issue · 12 comments


Option to close the petal adapters again after deploying?

Like in the VAB basically.


Possible yes, but perhaps unwise?

The part is intended to represent a spring-loaded petal adapter. They don't use motors for deployment, so there is no possibility for it to be retracted.


Is it config file based or handled by the plugin? if it cfg based I oculd patch it for personal use perhaps.


As a petal, yeah. For some applications, like trying to make something like BFS cargo, or some of the old 1960s concept HLVs that are reusable, closing a cargo bay is a cool thing to be able to do.


Plugin based -- I would have to adjust the code to allow for it to close. But also, as there is an option to 'jettison panels on deploy', I have to make sure that the option to close is only available when the panels have not been jettisoned.


Yeah, it's an edge case to be sure, but people might want to make these:


LOL, James Bond :)


Anything is possible, with, 'erm, SSTU. The only limit... is your imagination.


..and KSP.


It's not a big deal for me, just a nifty thing to have for end-game or alternate use. I'd not mind if you hide the option to set this in the cfg file and keep it working as-is on a stock sstu install for example...


A thing I noted with the panel jettison is that when jettisoned, all it does is make the panels fly away but is still highlightable in the distance. Does that part of the model vanish eventually?


Yes, they are non-persistent debris, and will vanish after they get ~2km from the craft or timewarp is activated.

  • Also fixed up some collider related issues.
  • Added deploy-limit slider; available both in editor and in flight.
  • Added toggle for if should auto-decouple top node on deploy