SSTU - Shadow Space Technologies Unlimited

SSTU - Shadow Space Technologies Unlimited

98.5k Downloads - Progress Tracking

shadowmage45 opened this issue ยท 0 comments


Progress Tracking for Release

  • ETA - 12/31/17 (no guarantee)
  • It is possible that some items on this list will get pushed to future releases, it is only a rough outline of plans.
  • Items may be added/removed arbitrarily. If you want to make sure something gets addressed, open an issue ticket on it (if one does not already exist).





Textures Unlimited

Needs Verified


  • FIX - #651 - Make sure recoloring GUI config works for adjusting GUI size.
  • FIX - #644 - Adjust modular parachute deployment safety speed/pressure for parts with parachutes that lack drogues.
  • CHANGE - Adjust drogue parachute safety speed/pressure for increased tolerance at lower altitudes/higher density.
  • CHANGE - Add angle adjustment to the SSTUModularRCS standoff structure, and attach node(s)
  • CHANGE - Adjust SSTUModularRCS standoff selection -
    • remove the tank and i-beam models
    • add more truss models
    • fill in the removed A/B/C/? selections
  • MODELING+TEXTURES - SC-B-CM - PBR texture - fix under-cap NRM details; triangulation is all wrong, causing major distortion. Apparently SP is winding the quads differently than Unity.
  • CONFIGS+TEXTURES - PAR models have odd MET texture/mask/recoloring capability
  • UNITY+CONFIGS - Flag decal mesh in tanks/etc needs to use a different shader. It looks like it uses an unlit shader at some angles/lighting setups.
  • SC-A-DM -- needs slightly higher max deploy speed/pressure for drogues; it is possible to exceed their max velocity when below ~12k, resulting in parachutes refusing to open
  • UNITY - FIX - Re-export HUB models with decals set to Icon_Hidden
    • Should also fix the shader used by decals -- will need to be adjusted in model texture sets...

Pushed To Future Releases: