SSTU - Shadow Space Technologies Unlimited

SSTU - Shadow Space Technologies Unlimited


Loading an in-flight savegame misaligns the ISDC's SRBs

MikeOnTea opened this issue ยท 4 comments


Position looks correct, but their direction is wrong.
Sadly github won't let me upload a screenshot right now... will do that once github works again.


Yes pictures please. And a list of the steps to reliably reproduce the problem.


Steps to reproduce:

  1. make a simple craft with ISDC
  2. "Launch" it
  3. Press quicksave and then quickload on the pad, don't even have to liftoff

Craft before quickload:
Craft before quickload
Craft after quickload (different camera angle, might just be the orientation of the SRBs that got messed with, their position looks roughly correct):
Craft after quickload

This is not just a visual bug, their thrust vector changed along with their visuals.


Interesting... I must have misused some of the transform operations in calculating of the orientation (and/or somehow the operation is being ran twice on vesssel re-load... which wouldn't surprise me given KSP's crappy loading sequence(s))


Issue #666, no good can come of this.