SSTU - Shadow Space Technologies Unlimited

SSTU - Shadow Space Technologies Unlimited



shadowmage45 opened this issue ยท 0 comments


Re-work/redo the 2.5M Apollo-inspired SC-A Command Module, Service Module, and add a new BPC/LAS/LES (as the stock one doesn't look/work properly).


  • 2.5m Low-Part Count Command Pod and Service Module
  • Three total parts for the system, four with a decoupler below the SM
    • CM - RCS, Heat Shield, Light, Transmitter, Probe Core, Docking Port, Parachutes, Reaction Wheels, MonoPropellant, ElectricCharge, Fuel Cell, Decoupler, Fairing(2nd bottom node)
    • SM - RCS, Light, Transmitter, Probe Core, Reaction Wheels, MonoPropellant, Main Engine, Fairing (bottom node)
    • BPC - Jettison Motor(jet fuel), Abort Motor(solid fuel), Auto-Depletion Decoupler


  • SC-A-CM - Orbital/re-entry capable 'standard' pod
  • SC-A-CMX - (no-heatshield command pod variant)
  • SC-A-SM - Standard Service Module
  • SC-A-BPC - Purpose-built LAS/LES


  • SC-A-CM
    • Pod
      • Cap
    • HeatShield
  • SC-PAR-GENERIC (parachute model, from existing + existing texture)
  • SC-GEN-DP-0P
  • SC-GEN-HGA (High-Gain-Antenna array)
  • SC-ENG-AJ-10-137 (SM Main engine)


  • New parachute module that can handle both drogue + main chutes, without the implementation problems of the stock module (animations, drag cubes, etc)
  • New lighting module, should be based similar to the emissive module, but with control for both emissive texture (by mesh name(s)), and light-transform control by transform name(s).
  • New Decoupler module - auto-decouple on depletion of the specified fuel in the part, perhaps with configurable delay, and ability to auto-trigger an engines-module through engine-mode-switch
  • New Resource - Jettison Fuel - Duplicate of SolidFuel, to be used by jettison motors (esp. in places where the part may already contain SolidFuel but still need jettison capability).
  • New HeatShield module - stock one ... is no good


  • SM - finish texture; needs details on bottom, top/interior, and heat-shield.
  • ENG - finish engine texture; bell looks fine for use on SM, but the rest of the engine is unfinished.
  • RCS - finish texture; has only base flat color - should include normal map? (probably not needed) -- so diff/spec only
  • Cleanup modules code, have a bit of new info regarding thermals


  • Finish SC-A-CM model (add docking light, updated docking port)
  • Re-export parachute model from unity with material/texture assigned.
  • Lighting module - basic implementation done
  • Parachute Module - basic implementation done
  • SM - rework the HGA geometry - slightly higher tri count, much greater detail and cleaner mesh flow.
  • CM - HeatShield Module
  • CM - Rework 0.625m geometry, Unwrap and Texture new Docking Port model(s)
  • BPC - Auto-decoupler module -- should be simple enough
  • BPC - JettisonFuel resource definition -- need to investigate possible conflicts with other mods
    • Perhaps name it SSTUJettisonFuel?
  • BPC - Create BPC/LAS/LES model
  • SM - Rework SM Model (needs RCS + AJ-10 models)
  • SM - AJ-10-137 Model - not even really started
  • SM - re-export to unity for the geometry changes to the heat-shield
  • SM - Finish RCS models - geo, unwrap, texture
    • geometry
    • unwrap
    • textures