SSTU - Shadow Space Technologies Unlimited

SSTU - Shadow Space Technologies Unlimited


RL10A&B Dont Recognize Fuel Source

KamikazeKricket opened this issue · 4 comments


Tried to use these engines, waited for them to deploy and they don’t have a fuel source. When you’re looking at the staging it’s as if there’s no fuel tank when it’s activated.

The same may be the case with the SLS Block I and Block IB upper stages as well, wasn’t able to check.


Do you have CommunityResourcePack installed properly? Are the tanks actually filled with LqdHydrogen and Oxidizer? Just a couple of things to check first.


Can confirm this a bug, but only on engines that have deployable nozzles (A-4, B-2), their status doesn't change from off. Clicking retract when the engine is fully extended results in the nozzle jumping back to the stored state, but clicking retract when the nozzle is in motion results in the animation playing in reverse, correctly (retracting the nozzle).
2018-06-12 23_44_11-kerbal space program

Log from VAB, deploying engines and then quitting to main menu.

[LOG 23:44:35.401] [HighLogic]: =========================== Scene Change : From EDITOR to FLIGHT (Async) =====================
[LOG 23:44:35.708] [UIApp] OnDestroy: EngineersReport
[LOG 23:44:35.708] ScaleModList: listSize 41 maxListSize 1444
[LOG 23:44:35.709] [UIApp] OnDestroy: KSPedia
[LOG 23:44:35.709] ScaleModList: listSize 41 maxListSize 1444
[LOG 23:44:35.868] [PlanetariumCamera]: Focus: Kerbin
[LOG 23:44:35.869] [UIMasterController]: HideUI
[LOG 23:44:36.798] UICanvasPrefabSpawner FlightUI spawning Flight
[LOG 23:44:36.819] UICanvasPrefabSpawner FlightUI spawning VesselLabels
[LOG 23:44:36.819] [UiApp] Awake: ResourceDisplay
[LOG 23:44:36.939] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'AeroGUI' from assembly 'KSP'
[LOG 23:44:36.941] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'ReflectionManager' from assembly 'TexturesUnlimited'
[LOG 23:44:36.941] ReflectionManager Awake()
[LOG 23:44:36.941] TU-Reflection Manager - Loading reflection configuration: 
	name = default
	resolution = 128
	interval = 60
	faces = 1
	eveInstalled = false
	debug = false
	exportDebugCubes = false
	enabled = true

[LOG 23:44:36.941] TU-Reflection Manager - Alternate Render Enabled (DX9/DX11 Fix): False
[LOG 23:44:36.942] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'FlightAppLauncher' from assembly 'KerbalEngineer'
[LOG 23:44:36.942] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'DisplayStack' from assembly 'KerbalEngineer'
[LOG 23:44:36.942] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'FlightEngineerCore' from assembly 'KerbalEngineer'
[LOG 23:44:36.943] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'KSPWheelLauncher' from assembly 'KSPWheel'
[LOG 23:44:36.943] [PlanetariumCamera]: Focus: Kerbin
[LOG 23:44:36.944] [UIMasterController]: HideUI
[LOG 23:44:37.277] [UIMasterController]: HideUI
[LOG 23:44:37.277] ------------------- initializing flight mode... ------------------
[LOG 23:44:37.283] [MessageSystem] Save Messages
[LOG 23:44:37.284] Loading Depletion Nodes
[LOG 23:44:37.284] DepNodeCount:  0
[LOG 23:44:37.284] Loading Biome Nodes
[LOG 23:44:37.284] BiomeNodeCount:  0
[LOG 23:44:37.284] Loading Planet Nodes
[LOG 23:44:37.284] PlanetNodeCount:  0
[LOG 23:44:37.285] [ScenarioDestructibles]: Loading... 0 objects registered
[LOG 23:44:37.304] Loading ship from file: G:/Games/KSP 1.4.3/KSP_x64_Data/../saves/Testing/Ships/VAB/Auto-Saved Ship.craft
[LOG 23:44:37.304] [UIMasterController]: HideUI
[LOG 23:44:37.338] SSTU-ERROR: Model definition was null for name: Adapter-2-2-Long. Skipping definition during loading of part
[LOG 23:44:37.338] SSTU-ERROR: Model definition was null for name: Adapter-2-2-Long. Skipping definition during loading of part
[LOG 23:44:37.338] SSTU-ERROR: Model definition was null for name: Adapter-2-2-Long. Skipping definition during loading of part
[LOG 23:44:37.391] Untitled Space Craft loaded!
[LOG 23:44:38.941] putting ship to ground: 9.958201
[LOG 23:44:38.943] [Untitled Space Craft]: Ready to Launch - waiting to start physics...
[LOG 23:44:38.947] Crewmember Valentina Kerman assigned to SSTU - SC-C - CM - Re-Entry Module, seat # 0 (crew seat index: 0)
[LOG 23:44:38.947] [FLIGHT GLOBALS]: Switching To Vessel Untitled Space Craft ---------------------- 
[LOG 23:44:38.948] setting new dominant body: Kerbin
FlightGlobals.mainBody: Kerbin
[LOG 23:44:38.948] Reference Frame: Rotating
[LOG 23:44:38.956] Vessel assembly complete!
[LOG 23:44:40.588] all systems started
[LOG 23:44:40.599] DragCubeSystem: Rendering procedural drag for SSTU-SC-C-CM
[LOG 23:44:40.695] DragCubeSystem: Rendering procedural drag for SSTU-SC-ENG-RL10A-3
[LOG 23:44:40.729] DragCubeSystem: Rendering procedural drag for SSTU-SC-ENG-RL10A-4
[LOG 23:44:40.763] DragCubeSystem: Rendering procedural drag for SSTU-SC-ENG-RL10A-5
[LOG 23:44:40.883] DragCubeSystem: Rendering procedural drag for SSTU-SC-ENG-RL10B-2
[LOG 23:44:41.032] DragCubeSystem: Rendering procedural drag for SSTU-TANK-MFT-A
[LOG 23:44:41.072] DragCubeSystem: Rendering procedural drag for SSTU-SC-ENG-RL10A-3
[LOG 23:44:41.106] DragCubeSystem: Rendering procedural drag for SSTU-SC-ENG-RL10A-4
[LOG 23:44:41.143] DragCubeSystem: Rendering procedural drag for SSTU-SC-ENG-RL10A-5
[LOG 23:44:41.178] DragCubeSystem: Rendering procedural drag for SSTU-SC-ENG-RL10B-2
[LOG 23:44:41.220] KerbalEngineer -> BuildAdvanced->OnDestroy
[LOG 23:44:41.221] KerbalEngineer -> ActionMenu->Awake
[LOG 23:44:41.221] KerbalEngineer -> FlightEngineerCore->Awake
[LOG 23:44:41.221] KerbalEngineer -> ActionMenu->Start
[LOG 23:44:41.221] KerbalEngineer -> FlightEngineerCore->Start
[LOG 23:44:41.232] [UiApp] Awake: CurrencyWidgetsApp
[LOG 23:44:41.232] [UiApp] Awake: ResourceDisplay
[LOG 23:44:41.232] [UiApp] Awake: KSPedia
[LOG 23:44:41.232] [ApplicationLauncher] OnSceneLoadedGUIReady: scene FLIGHT ShouldBeVisible() True ShouldBeOnTop() True iIsPositionedAtTop False
[LOG 23:44:41.233] [ApplicationLauncher] SpawnSimpleLayout: VerticalTopDown
[LOG 23:44:41.235] ScaleModList: listSize 41 maxListSize 879
[LOG 23:44:41.235] [KnowledgeBase] OnAppLauncherReady 34544
[LOG 23:44:41.257] [UIApp] OnDestroy: Contracts
[LOG 23:44:41.257] [UIApp] OnDestroy: Missions App
[LOG 23:44:41.271] [MessageSystem] Reposition 0.02 34545
[LOG 23:44:41.272] [GenericAppFrame] Reposition 0.02 34545
[LOG 23:44:41.272] [GenericAppFrame] Reposition 0.02 34545
[LOG 23:44:41.283] [FlightIntegrator]: Reloaded drag cube for zeroed cube root part SSTU-SC-C-CM on vessel Untitled Space Craft
[LOG 23:44:41.340] [FlightIntegrator]: Vessel Untitled Space Craft has been unloaded 1.79769313486232E+308, applying analytic temperature 310.809537442445
[LOG 23:44:41.427] [PlanetariumCamera]: Focus: Untitled Space Craft
[LOG 23:44:41.443] [UIApp] Adding ResourceDisplay to Application Launcher
[LOG 23:44:41.444] ScaleModList: listSize 41 maxListSize 829
[LOG 23:44:41.444] [UIApp] Adding ResourceDisplay to Application Launcher
[LOG 23:44:41.445] ScaleModList: listSize 41 maxListSize 788
[LOG 23:44:41.500] [ResourceDisplay] OnAppStarted(): id: -800240
[LOG 23:44:41.501] [GenericAppFrame] Reposition 0.123246 34549
[LOG 23:44:41.501] [ResourceDisplay] OnAppStarted(): id: 198096
[LOG 23:44:41.501] ResourceDisplay already exist, destroying this instance
[LOG 23:44:41.501] [UIApp] OnDestroy: ResourceDisplay
[LOG 23:44:41.502] ScaleModList: listSize 41 maxListSize 788
[LOG 23:44:41.543] CURRENCY WIDGET False False False
[LOG 23:44:41.547] [UIApp] OnDestroy: CurrencyWidgetsApp
[LOG 23:44:41.574] [UIApp] Adding KSPedia to Application Launcher
[LOG 23:44:41.575] ScaleModList: listSize 41 maxListSize 788
[LOG 23:44:41.996] Flight State Captured
[LOG 23:44:41.997] Saving Achievements Tree...
[LOG 23:44:41.997] Saving Achievements Tree...
[LOG 23:44:41.997] [MessageSystem] Save Messages
[LOG 23:44:42.003] Game State Saved as persistent
[LOG 23:44:43.269] Unpacking Untitled Space Craft
[LOG 23:44:44.183] [UIMasterController]: ShowUI
[LOG 23:44:49.511] DragCubeSystem: Rendering procedural drag for SSTU-SC-ENG-RL10B-2
[LOG 23:44:59.183] DragCubeSystem: Rendering procedural drag for SSTU-SC-ENG-RL10A-4
[LOG 23:45:15.144] [UIMasterController]: ShowUI
[LOG 23:45:15.144] Game Paused!
[LOG 23:45:19.036] Launcher here(in write): False
[LOG 23:45:19.040] Flight State Captured
[LOG 23:45:19.040] Saving Achievements Tree...
[LOG 23:45:19.040] Saving Achievements Tree...
[LOG 23:45:19.040] [MessageSystem] Save Messages
[LOG 23:45:19.045] Game State Saved to saves/Testing/persistent
[LOG 23:45:19.046] PSystemSetup: - Making History expansion is not installed.
[LOG 23:45:19.047] ScaleModList: listSize 41 maxListSize 788
[LOG 23:45:19.048] [UIMasterController]: HideUI
[LOG 23:45:19.054] [HighLogic]: =========================== Scene Change : From FLIGHT to MAINMENU =====================
[LOG 23:45:19.561] KbApp.OnDestroy Unowned Info
[LOG 23:45:19.561] KbApp.OnDestroy Vessel Info
[LOG 23:45:19.563] [FlightEngineer]: Destroying Floating Window for HUD 1
[LOG 23:45:19.563] [FlightEngineer]: Destroying Floating Window for HUD 2
[LOG 23:45:19.563] [UIApp] OnDestroy: KSPedia
[LOG 23:45:19.563] ScaleModList: listSize 41 maxListSize 788
[LOG 23:45:19.564] KbApp.OnDestroy Vessel Crew
[LOG 23:45:19.564] [UIApp] OnDestroy: ResourceDisplay
[LOG 23:45:19.564] ScaleModList: listSize 41 maxListSize 788
[LOG 23:45:19.564] KbApp.OnDestroy NullName
[LOG 23:45:19.564] KbApp.OnDestroy Planet Parameters
[LOG 23:45:19.564] KbApp.OnDestroy Planet Resources
[LOG 23:45:19.566] KbApp.OnDestroy Planet Info
[LOG 23:45:19.744] [UIMasterController]: ShowUI
[LOG 23:45:20.462] KerbalEngineer -> FlightEngineerCore->OnDestroy
[LOG 23:45:20.463] KerbalEngineer -> ActionMenu->OnDestroy
[LOG 23:45:20.610] [ApplicationLauncher] OnSceneLoadedGUIReady: scene MAINMENU ShouldBeVisible() True ShouldBeOnTop() True iIsPositionedAtTop True
[LOG 23:45:20.611] [ApplicationLauncher] SetHidden: 
[LOG 23:45:20.628] [MessageSystem] Reposition 0.02 38558
[LOG 23:45:20.628] [GenericAppFrame] Reposition 0.02 38558
[LOG 23:45:20.628] [GenericAppFrame] Reposition 0.02 38558

Interesting -- thanks for the report. Will look into this one shortly, and should have it fixed for a release this weekend.


Fixed, will be available with the next update.