SSTU - Shadow Space Technologies Unlimited

SSTU - Shadow Space Technologies Unlimited


SSTU Docking Ports - non functional, won't dock

shadowmage45 opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Could be a problem with the docking-mode toggle module, config error, or some change to the stock docking module that I have not yet responded to.


Can confirm the issue on the DP-1 parts, but only with angle-snap disabled; with angle-snap enabled they dock just fine.

Will need to investigate why having angle-snap disabled is interfering with standard functions of those ports.


Apparently this is being caused by the 'captureMinRollDot', which is used regardless of if the angle snap is enabled or not.

Properly setting the 'captureMinRollDot' and 'acquireMinRollDot' values to good defaults should correct the issue -- users however will need to adjust the tolerance manually to actually -use- the angle snap.

Will need to find what values are appropriate for this field. Stock defaults to '-3.402e38' or... the maximum negative value a float can express (thats one helluva negative dot value...).