SSTU - Shadow Space Technologies Unlimited

SSTU - Shadow Space Technologies Unlimited


New Part - SC-B-SM (rework)

shadowmage45 opened this issue ยท 6 comments


Rework SC-B-SM (Service Module)

  • Fix RCS positions and orientations to allow for better / more balanced control.
  • Add dedicated transmitter module and module
  • Rework secondary engines to be a set of overpowered RCS thrusters.
  • Remove umbilical to allow for more generic use of the part?
  • Rebalance the thrust/mass/etc for stock part balancing.
  • Investigate ability to add decoupler to top/bottom
  • Clean up default settings on the fairings

Can you keep the umbilical as a selectable option, to keep it real-life looking? I think the Orion is your flagship component.

PS: what is the use for the planned orbital version? Only the heatshield and chutes are removed.


I strongly dislike the umbillicals. It makes all of the parts harder to re-use in a visually clean manner. And I have stated -many- times that I'm not in this to make real-life replicas of stuff. Also, I really don't feel like writing yet-another-mesh-switch module just for SM umbilicals. Nor do I want to make a separate texture set for the CM without the umbilical ports. Would rather just have a single model + texture for each.

Orbital version - no clue, but people had asked for CMs without heatshields, so as I'm already redoing them and the added time to remove the heatshield is close to nil, I'll be including them.




I'll consider doing the umbilicals, as I'm not yet past the 'can't do them' stage -- however, it would require delaying finishing up the SC-A-CM texture until I had the SM done (as I would need to know where to position the umbilical ports on the texture). And at least initially they would be a fixed mesh/no switch support - I'll split the mesh off though so that it could be easily enabled with a config addition.


Skip the umbilical ;) I want a clean conscience, haha.


Rolled into #72