SSTU - Shadow Space Technologies Unlimited

SSTU - Shadow Space Technologies Unlimited


MFT-R not showing up in career mode (1.6.1)

taterkerman opened this issue ยท 12 comments


Subject says it all. The part had a spot in the VAB, but no image (just the gray button). Mouseover does bring up the part text, however, but no part.


Not showing in sandbox, either. This is not a clean install with just SSTU, however.


Thanks for the offer :) Might be good for the near term to have something available for the few stock models that SSTU uses. In the long run of course I want to replace those models/parts entirely. Have enough on my plate right now though that I sadly haven't even looked at the official Restock release yet.

Off the top of my head, the few stock parts that I can think of that are used are:

  • Radial Fuel Tanks
  • NRV engine
  • 1.25m Service Bay for prototype sample return container (can skip this one probably)
  • Small ISRU drill for prototype surface sampler (can skip this one probably)

I went to the Restock page here on git, to find the whitelist information, but could not find it.


Using Restock by any chance? (they delete stock models, which SSTU references...)


Yes! I just added that to look at it. Need to whitelist, then?


I guess? IDK, I'm staying away from ReStock.


I'll pull it and recheck.


Fixed it.


I can help create a whitelist


I might honestly whitelist a few of the stock engines, the new version of the 909 and spark actually look OK, indeed more useful for me than "boattail" or other options in restock. I literally only use a few of the stock parts any more, and usually for little probes.


@shadowmage45 do you know if SSTU_MODEL nodes like TankX200-32 in ModelData-StockFuelTanks.cfg are still in use? I can't find any references to them?


@blowfishpro I don't think so. They were for an old part, and I think the configs got left in place after the part was removed.

I am using a few other placeholder stock parts for the structural bits in the MRCS part, but I'm not too worried about those as they are intended as placeholders anyway.