SSTU - Shadow Space Technologies Unlimited

SSTU - Shadow Space Technologies Unlimited


Custom COS storage part, no fuel GUI

Jimbodiah opened this issue · 7 comments


I'm trying to make a new version of my COS storage containers and have the following code:


@name = JPL-COS-STORAGE-25
@author = ShadowMage, Jimbodiah

@TechRequired = spaceExploration
@EntryCost = 32000
@cost = 8000
@category = FuelTank
@title = JPL - COS - STORAGE-25
@description = COS Storage 2.5m
@Manufacturer = JPL


@mass = 2.9
@crashTolerance = 12
@maxtemp = 2200
@fuelCrossFeed = True
@CrewCapacity = 0
@vesselType = Station

!MODULE[SSTUVolumeContainer] {}

name = SSTUVolumeContainer
baseContainerIndex = 0
subtractMass = false
subtractCost = false
enableContainerEdit = true
enableFuelTypeChange = true
name = Storage
volume = 0
tankageVolume = 0.15
tankageMass = 0.15
defaultModifier = standard
defaultResources = ElectricCharge,1,1
resource = SSTUEmptyVolume
resource = Ore
resource = ElectricCharge
resource = NTO
resource = Aerozine50
resource = LiquidFuel
resource = Oxidizer
resource = RocketParts
resource = MonoPropellant
resource = XenonGas
modifier = standard
modifier = lbo
modifier = zbo
modifier = zboLight
modifier = light
modifier = superLight
modifier = structural
modifier = structuralLight

    // tank type upgrades -- unlock the various tank modifier types
		name__ = SSTU-VCMod-Lightweight
		name__ = SSTU-VCMod-SuperLightweight
		name__ = SSTU-VCMod-LowBoiloff
		name__ = SSTU-VCMod-ZeroBoiloff
		name__ = SSTU-VCMod-LightweightZeroBoiloff




There is no fuel GUI available in the VAB for this part, despite listing both these as true:

enableContainerEdit = true
enableFuelTypeChange = true

What am I doing wrong?

Also are the COS length variants no longer valid for COREs? ie XSHORT, SHORT, MEDIUM, LONG...


OK, the order might be the cause then. I will try that first (removing excess containers and editing existing one).

Re COS lengths: I have a custom storage COS module that in 1.3.1 I could change the length of in the VAB, so select the XSHORT to XLONG and it would automatically add/remove volume of any resources.

BTW: The collider had some issues with placing items on the outside surface when changing the CORE length in the VAB, but as a container it was really cool to have the COS equivalent of an MFT-A. I might just make 3 fixed lengths instead, as that seems to solve the surface attach issue in 1.3.1 (so probably the same in 1.6.1).

I could never get the MFT-A to get the COS textures for some reason (knowing it was only for 2-3 fixed lengths), so made my own part.

I'll let you know if the module order was the cause. Thanks!!!


Re COS lengths: I have a custom storage COS module that in 1.3.1 I could change the length of in the VAB, so select the XSHORT to XLONG and it would automatically add/remove volume of any resources.

Ahh, yes, you should still be able to configure your part for that kind of setup. Those would be modifications to the SSTUModularPart config, basically just adding the additional models to the CORE{} node. Should be fairly simple to do as all of the volume data/etc is defined in the model config.

So.. how the MFT-A has multiple lengths defined under a single CORE node --

Do the same for your COS models, something like:

	//variant name is unimportant, not used unless multiple CORE nodes are present, which should not be needed in your setup
	variant = Default 

And the patch that would need to be added to your existing patch would be:


^^^ This will keep the existing 'LONG' model definition, and add the three other lengths. Now that there are multiple CORE options, the Core/Body slider should be visible in the PAW in the editors.


That config appears to be correct from a quick review. Any errors in the log when using that part in the editor?
Could you post the post-module-manager-patched config for the part (out of the ModuleManager.ConfigCache file)?

The only other reason the GUI would be not displayed that I can think of, is if there are no containers with any volume that can be adjusted.

Thinking on it a bit -- the order of the modules in the part config is extremely important. When you delete the module, and then re-add it, it gets added back in to the end of the file. It needs to be present in the file before the SSTUModularPart module. This may well be causing the problem that you are seeing

Rather than deleting the entire module, you might try to merely delete the CONTAINER nodes from the existing module, and then patch in your new CONTAINER nodes as needed.

Also are the COS length variants no longer valid for COREs? ie XSHORT, SHORT, MEDIUM, LONG...

The way the modular-part plugin works has changed completely compared to prior versions, and requires a bit more setup for some things. Not sure exactly what you are asking there though? There should still be multiple COS parts, with specific lengths; all of the lengths are still available. I don't even think the model-definition names changed for these (still seeing ' name = ST-COS-XSHORT' in the modeldata files).


Got the CORE change to work, still working on the SSTU volume container.


I made a new part file instead of an MM patch just to be sure. The VolumeContainer module is from the MFT-A and the ModularPart is from the COS-HAB.

MM patch shows both modules. Even the ModIntegrations seems to be working judging by all the added resources in the MM log for this part.

parentUrl = Jimbodiah/JPL/Tanks/JPL-COS-Storage
module = Part
author = Shadowmage, Jimbodiah
TechRequired = spaceExploration
entryCost = 32000
cost = 8000
category = FuelTank
subcategory = 0
title = JPL - COS - STORAGE-25
description = COS Storage 2.5m
manufacturer = JPL
rescaleFactor = 1
node_stack_top = 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1
node_stack_top1 = 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1
node_stack_top2 = 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1
node_stack_top3 = 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1
node_stack_top4 = 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1
node_stack_bottom = 0,0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 1
node_stack_bottom1 = 0,0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 1
node_stack_bottom2 = 0,0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 1
node_stack_bottom3 = 0,0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 1
node_stack_bottom4 = 0,0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 1
node_attach = 0, 0, -2.5, 0, 0, -1, 2
attachRules = 1,0,1,1,1
mass = 2.9
crashTolerance = 14
maxTemp = 2000
fuelCrossFeed = True
breakingForce = 2000
breakingTorque = 2000
model = SSTU/Assets/EmptyProxyModel
name = SSTUVolumeContainer
enableContainerEdit = true
enableFuelTypeChange = true
subtractMass = false
subtractCost = false
baseContainerIndex = 0
name = Storage
volume = 0
tankageVolume = 0.15
tankageMass = 0.15
defaultModifier = standard
defaultFuelPreset = LFO
resource = ElectricCharge
resource = NTO
resource = Aerozine50
resource = LiquidFuel
resource = LqdHydrogen
resource = Oxidizer
resource = RocketParts
resource = MonoPropellant
resource = XenonGas
resource = Ore
modifier = standard
modifier = lbo
modifier = zbo
modifier = zboLight
modifier = light
modifier = superLight
resource = LqdDeuterium
resource = LqdHe3
resource = FissionPellets
resource = FusionPellets
resource = NuclearSaltWater
resource = MtlHydrogen
resource = EnrichedUranium
resource = DepletedFuel
resource = ArgonGas
resource = Lithium
resource = Supplies
resource = Mulch
resource = Fertilizer
name__ = SSTU-VCMod-Lightweight
name__ = SSTU-VCMod-SuperLightweight
name__ = SSTU-VCMod-LowBoiloff
name__ = SSTU-VCMod-ZeroBoiloff
name__ = SSTU-VCMod-LightweightZeroBoiloff
name = SSTUModularPart
diameterIncrement = 0.625
minDiameter = 2.5
maxDiameter = 2.5
userAdapterVolume = true
useAdapterMass = true
useAdapterCost = true
solarAnimationLayer = 1
noseAnimationLayer = 3
upperAnimationLayer = 5
coreAnimationLayer = 7
lowerAnimationLayer = 9
mountAnimationLayer = 11
upperRCSThrustTransform = rcsThrustTransform
lowerRCSThrustTransform = rcsThrustTransform
engineThrustTransform = engineThrustTransform
topNodeName = top
bottomNodeName = bottom
noseManagedNodes = none
upperManagedNodes = top1, top2, top3, top4
coreManagedNodes = none
lowerManagedNodes = bottom1, bottom2, bottom3, bottom4
mountManagedNodes = none
topInterstageNodeName = noseInterstage
bottomInterstageNodeName = mountInterstage
topFairingIndex = -1
bottomFairingIndex = -1
centralFairingIndex = -1
solarParentOptions = CORE
upperRCSParentOptions = CORE
lowerRCSParentOptions = CORE
noseContainerIndex = 0
upperContainerIndex = 0
coreContainerIndex = -1
lowerContainerIndex = 0
mountContainerIndex = 0
currentDiameter = 2.5
currentVariant = Standard
currentNose = Model-None
currentUpper = Adapter-2-1-Dome
currentCore = ST-COS-LONG
currentLower = Adapter-2-1-Dome
currentMount = Model-None
currentSolar = Solar-None
currentUpperRCS = RCS-None
currentLowerRCS = RCS-None
currentSolarLayout = Double-Sides
currentUpperRCSLayout = DOS-Upper
currentLowerRCSLayout = DOS-Lower
currentNoseTexture = default
currentUpperTexture = SSTU-Adapter-Silver
currentCoreTexture = default
currentLowerTexture = SSTU-Adapter-Silver
currentMountTexture = default
currentSolarTexture = default
currentUpperRCSTexture = default
currentLowerRCSTexture = default
model = Model-None
model = Model-TankCap-Flat
model = Adapter-1-1-VA
model = Adapter-Airlock-2
model = Adapter-1-1-Hub
model = Adapter-1-1-Hub-Ext
model = Adapter-4-3-Flat
model = Adapter-4-3-Short
model = Adapter-4-3-Long
model = Adapter-2-1-Flat
model = Adapter-2-1-Dome
model = Adapter-2-1-Short
model = Adapter-2-1-Long
model = Adapter-2-1-Hub
model = Adapter-4-1-Flat
model = Adapter-4-1-Short
model = Adapter-4-1-Hub
model = Adapter-1-2-Flat
model = Adapter-1-2-Short
model = Adapter-1-2-Long
model = Adapter-2-3-Flat
model = Adapter-2-3-Short
model = Adapter-2-3-Long
variant = Standard
model = ST-COS-SHORT
model = ST-COS-LONG
model = Model-TankCap-Flat
model = Adapter-1-1-VA
model = Adapter-Airlock-2
model = Adapter-1-1-Hub
model = Adapter-1-1-Hub-Ext
model = Adapter-4-3-Flat
model = Adapter-4-3-Short
model = Adapter-4-3-Long
model = Adapter-2-1-Flat
model = Adapter-2-1-Dome
model = Adapter-2-1-Short
model = Adapter-2-1-Long
model = Adapter-2-1-Hub
model = Adapter-4-1-Flat
model = Adapter-4-1-Short
model = Adapter-4-1-Hub
model = Adapter-1-2-Flat
model = Adapter-1-2-Short
model = Adapter-1-2-Long
model = Adapter-2-3-Flat
model = Adapter-2-3-Short
model = Adapter-2-3-Long
model = Model-None
model = Solar-None
layout = Double-Sides
model = RCS-None
layout = DOS-Upper
model = RCS-None
layout = DOS-Lower
name = SSTURecolorGUI
name = ModuleB9PropagateCopyEvents

The part name does not show up in thr KSP.log file.

Here is the part file itself.


Interesting -- I'll def. have to dig into this a bit and find out what is going on; likely something simple that we are missing. Been awhile since I've toyed with these configs, so likely have forgotten something small but important...


Same here, I think I am overlooking something. I'll tinker with the COS-HAB some more.


I just looked at unedited SSTU COS-HAB parts and although they show the UI for the VolumeContainer, all the units stay at zero no matter what you enter for the ratios.

The DOS parts seem to respond normally to ratios.