SSTU - Shadow Space Technologies Unlimited

SSTU - Shadow Space Technologies Unlimited


MRCS - Fuel Selection Not Persistent

shadowmage45 opened this issue ยท 2 comments


MRCS does not persist the in-editor fuel selection when launched (or reloaded?).

In a career game, had a custom service module with MRCS blocks on it, changed from hypergolic to MP in the editor. In flight, it appeared that the MRCS was still set to use hypergolics, as they would not respond to commands even though sufficient monopropellant was present.


I am seeing something similar with the GEN - ISDC - Interstage Decoupler. In particular if I set the solid fuel level to anything lower than full, it defaults back to full on next open.

That is actually a bit of separate issue, that I believe I have already cleaned up for the next release; caused by an incorrect flag being sent to a resource-updating method that specifies 'keep existing amount'. Noticed this while I was working through some integration stuff for Kerbalism that interacted with that system. At least it should no longer default to always being full in the flight-scene, and should keep whatever partial resource value was used in the editor.

The fuel-selection not persisting is referring to the MRCS modules ability to change the fuel-type used by the RCS port, and it seemingly not persisting from editor to flight. Honestly, could have been that I just forgot to set it in the first place :) (still haven't confirmed the problem, or even investigated at all)


I am seeing something similar with the GEN - ISDC - Interstage Decoupler. In particular if I set the solid fuel level to anything lower than full, it defaults back to full on next open.