SSTU - Shadow Space Technologies Unlimited

SSTU - Shadow Space Technologies Unlimited


Solar Panels don't show their details (EC generation, etc.)

ns88ns opened this issue ยท 2 comments



In KSP 1.9.1 SSTU Solar Panels don't show their details (EC production, etc.). All mods and Squad use module ModuleDeployableSolarPanel to define solar panels however you use your own module SSTUSolarPanelDeployable for that. Perhapr it is possible to inherit from ModuleDeployableSolarPanel and adjust it? Will it resolve the issue?

Or is there any other way to know how many EC SSTU solar panels generate?

Thank you in advance for reply.


Ah, it is clear now - it isn't implemented. There is still TODO stub. Closed.


Maybe add the Ec/s in the description text for now? Could be done here by anyone.