SSTU - Shadow Space Technologies Unlimited

SSTU - Shadow Space Technologies Unlimited


Modular/Procedural/Customizable Parts -- Offset surface attached children on size change

shadowmage45 opened this issue ยท 0 comments


And self if surface attached.

Should be simple enough; loop through part children, offset by the change delta.

Should update -own- position when surface attached to other part (only applicable currently to MFT)

  • Looks like this one will need to wait until I can do some compile-test cycles; Unity interaction of transforms / transformPoint is... unreliable if you go by their documentation (function is actually inverted from documentation), and as such, I have no #$^@#^ clue what methods will return the proper angle from-to (need to test out multiple combinations/orders/setups of transform transforming). @#$^$&&#$@% I hate unity....


  • Update generic surface-attach method to calc angle from child to parent, and offset in that angle by the delta-length.


  • Create generic surface-attached-child-updating method. Does not check if attached to top/bottom, blindly offsets all parts by the delta of the diameter change.