SSTU - Shadow Space Technologies Unlimited

SSTU - Shadow Space Technologies Unlimited


Multiple crashes upon using modular fuel tanks

Jimbodiah opened this issue ยท 7 comments


I keep getting crashes when I play with the modular fuel tanks, especially on a project that uses two and in combination with the pedal fairing. 3/4 times it just crashes, else it get super slow and memory usage shoots up from 1.7 to around 3GB.

See link for log file.

The logfile is huge (34MB), and I cleaned it just prior to this run of abotu 2-3 minutes.


Could you post the KSP log as well? The log you have posted does not have a stack trace in it that I can work with, it merely lists something regarding a button, but does not tell me what/where it was triggered, or what the button even was.


If that posted log is correct (looks like it was all in the editor?), then this issue should be fixed along with #94. Please try out .23-pre-3 and let me know how it goes.


Will do


No crashes so far, been playing avidly with two modular tanks and the pedal fairing in a project for over 10 minutes now with over 7 launches, and still running.


Crashes seems solved, haven't had an abnormal crash so far (only normal ones, whah).


Okay, please let me know if it pops up any more, with fresh logs if you can. Closing this ticket, but if you comment I will still see it and can re-open if needed.