Station Science

Station Science


Terminating experiments in (hybrid?) orbit

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ScreenMessages.PostScreenMessage("Location changed mid-experiment! " + part.partInfo.title + " ruined.", 6, ScreenMessageStyle.UPPER_CENTER);

The termination of experiment in progress is just wrong. Sorry, that made me angry. I have station around Minmus at 30km orbit, but that seems to be the condition for you, it is going higher (30747) and lower (29021) than that 30km, which probably means transition between low and high orbit (just guessing). Suspend and resume if you have to! The contract is to finish it IN ORBIT around Minmus!!!!!!!! Not a single word about low or high orbit, JUST ORBIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That termination of experiment in progress happened awfully often to me, but I had no clue since now. I thought that your mod is unable to work properly when I build the station during experiment (docking, welding of construction docks), or warp is to blame, but no, that line of code is to blame!