Localization - Simplified Chinese (简体中文) <zh-cn.cfg>
zer0Kerbal opened this issue · 6 comments
- add zh-cn.cfg
- Simplified Chinese (简体中文) <zh-cn.cfg>
Update Documentation
- mod Readme 🔢
- releaseNotes.md 🧾
GitHub Issues
- assign to zer0Kerbal
- assign projects (user and repo)
- assign label: Localization
- assign label: help-wanted
- assign milestone: Localization - Simplified Chinese (简体中文) <zh-cn.cfg>
Update Social Media
- CurseForge
- Forum
- GitHub
- Patreon
- SpaceDock
- update localization list
I created che zh-cn.cfg in my own repository, but I don't know how to pull request from there😊
@zer0Kerbal Is it OK?
Thank you @Peter-JY
- Branch your fork of this repo by either creating a new file or uploading existing
- Make changes to your branch on your fork https://docs.github.com/en/get-started/quickstart/fork-a-repo#editing-a-fork
- Create Pull/Push Request to this repo. https://docs.github.com/en/pull-requests/collaborating-with-pull-requests/proposing-changes-to-your-work-with-pull-requests/about-pull-requests
Once you have a fork/branch/changes either you or I can do the PR.
Yes, zh-tw would be great - after we get this changes submitted and added. 😀
@Peter-JY thank you!
yes, zh-tw would be appreciated, just let me push out v1.4.4.0-release first, because will have some significant changes to localization files; specifically the tags.
Should be ready in the next twenty-four hours.