Taerobee (TBEE)

Taerobee (TBEE)


Can’t use Aniline22 with RealFuels

Peter-JY opened this issue · 2 comments


Brief description of your issue (aka the problem)

I’ve even found the solution after some tryouts. But I don’t have the permission, so I posted It here.


no errors maybe.

just add something into fuel tank’s configuration document.
I’ve posted this issue under RF because it infected several other mods as well.

Also here: KSP-RO/RealFuels#304

Mod Origin

Download and installed version 1.0.0 from source.


👍 Thank you @Peter-JY :octocat:


Have you reviewed the open issues logs and recent changelogs?

In order to help us help you, please provide:

  • and one of the following:
    • if Module Manger is installed
      • <KSP_ROOT>/GameData/ModuleManager.ConfigCache
    • if Module Manger /L is installed
      • <KSP_ROOT>/PluginData/ModuleManager/ConfigCache.cfg
  • Screenshots of issue (if appropriate) (images tell a much stronger tale)

You can archive these files (rar or zip, sadly no 7zip) and drag-n-drop them into an issue comment

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I will be updating the RO Taerobee patches over the next week or so - lots of updates.