Taerobee (TBEE)

Taerobee (TBEE)


# Taerobee

zer0Kerbal opened this issue · 0 comments


Update Taerobee

Taerobee diameter (m) height (m) width (m) math radius (m) Liters
taerobee-adapter-short trunc.cone 0.625 0.1 0.15625 (1/3)πh (r²+rR+R²) 0.3125 0.01790 17.9
taerobee-adapter-tall trunc.cone 0.625 0.3 0.15625 (1/3)πh (r²+rR+R²) 0.3125 0.05369 53.69
taerobee-aerobee cylinder 0.625 0.43 πr²h 0.3125 0.13192 131.93
taerobee-control cylinder 0.625 0.1 πr²h 0.3125 0.03068 30.68
taerobee-decoupler cylinder 0.625 0.19 πr²h 0.3125 0.05829 58.3
taerobee-despin cylinder 0.625 0.1 πr²h 0.3125 0.03068 30.68
taerobee-fin-large rectangle 0.36 0.72 0.02 LHW 0.1800 0.00518 5.19
taerobee-fin-small rectangle 0.37 0.16 0.04 LHW 0.1850 0.00237 2.37
taerobee-nosecone cone 0.625 0.98 (πr²h)/3 0.3125 0.10022 100.23
taerobee-parachute cone 0.625 0.3 (πr²h)/3 0.3125 0.03068 30.68
taerobee-science cylinder 0.625 0.3 πr²h 0.3125 0.09204 92.04
taerobee-sustainertank-3 cylinder 0.625 2.88 πr²h 0.3125 0.88357 883.58
taerobee-tinytim cylinder 0.625 1.14 πr²h 0.3125 0.34975 349.75
  • closes #78 - Update Taerobee

  • #87

  • [taerobee-adapter-short.cfg]

    • Create part based on Squad's adapterSmallMiniShort
      • [rescaleFactor] = 0.5
      • [bulkheadProfiles] = size00,size0
    • add @thumb
    • Update Localization - <en-us.cfg>
    • Add
      • DRAG_CUBE]
      • [ModuleCargoPart]
        • type = trunc.cone
        • radius = 0.3125 m
        • Radius = 0.15625 m
        • height = 0.1 m
        • volume = 0.0179 m³
        • m³ x 1000L = 17.9 m³
        • packedVolume = 18
        • stackableQuantity = 20
    • closes #87 - [taerobee-adapter-short.cfg]
  • #88

  • [taerobee-adapter-tall.cfg]

    • Create part based on Squad's adapterSmallMiniTall
      • [rescaleFactor] = 0.5
      • [bulkheadProfiles] = size00,size0
    • add @thumb
    • Update Localization - <en-us.cfg>
    • Add
      • DRAG_CUBE]
      • [ModuleCargoPart]
        • type = trunc.cone
        • radius = 0.3125 m
        • Radius = 0.15625 m
        • height = 0.3 m
        • volume = 0.05369 m³
        • m³ x 1000L = 53.69 m³
        • packedVolume = 55
        • stackableQuantity = 8
    • closes #88 - [taerobee-adapter-tall.cfg]
  • #89

  • [taerobee-aerobee.cfg]

    • rename part cfg to use hyphen
    • change [bulkheadProfiles] from size0 to size00
    • FX randsomed until [ModuleEnginesFX] changed back to [ModuleEngines]; FX returned unharmed
    • Added [EngineType] = LiquidFuel to [ModuleEngines]]
    • Add
      • DRAG_CUBE]
      • [ModuleCargoPart]
        • type = cylinder
        • radius = 0.3125 m
        • height = 0.43 m
        • volume = 0.13192 m³
        • m³ x 1000L = 131.93 m³
        • packedVolume = 150
        • stackableQuantity = 5
    • closes #89 - [taerobee-aerobee.cfg]
  • #90

  • [taerobee-control.cfg]

    • Rename part cfg to use hyphen
    • Change [bulkheadProfiles] from size0 to size00
    • Change [ModuleCommand] EC consumption from 0.001 to 0.006 re: early tech worse than 0.005 (21.5/h)
    • Add [ModuleSAS] - no level
    • Add [ModuleReactionWheel]
      • PitchTorque = 0.5
      • YawTorque = 0.5
      • RollTorque = 0.5
      • torqueResponseSpeed = 11
      • consumes [ElectricCharge] at a rate of 0.01 re: early tech - worse than 0.0003
    • Updates[ModuleDataTransmitter]
      • [packetInterval] set to 1.0, was 0.6
      • [packetSize] set to 2, was 1
      • [antennaPower] set to 5000, was 50000
    • Resource [ElectricCharge] upped to 75, was 5 re: same size as Z-100 but earlier tech and other things in part
    • Add
      • DRAG_CUBE]
      • [ModuleCargoPart]
        • type = cylinder
        • radius = 0.3125 m
        • height = 0.1 m
        • volume = 0.03068 m³
        • m³ x 1000L = 30.68 m³
        • packedVolume = 32
        • stackableQuantity = 12
    • closes #90 - [taerobee-control.cfg]
  • #91

  • [taerobee-decoupler.cfg]

    • rename part cfg to use hyphen
    • Change [bulkheadProfiles] from size0,srf to size00,srf
    • Add
      • DRAG_CUBE]
      • [ModuleCargoPart]
        • type = cylinder
        • radius = 0.3125 m
        • height = 0.19 m
        • volume = 0.05829 m³
        • m³ x 1000L = 58.3 m³
        • packedVolume = 60
        • stackableQuantity = 8
    • closes #91 - [taerobee-decoupler.cfg]
  • #92

  • [taerobee-despin.cfg]

    • rename part cfg to use hyphen
    • change [bulkheadProfiles] from size0 to size00
    • Resource [MonoPropellant] amount changed to 3.0 from 1.5
    • [ModuleSAS] consumption rate updated from 0.05 to 0.25
    • Add
      • DRAG_CUBE]
      • [ModuleCargoPart]
        • type = cylinder
        • radius = 0.3125 m
        • height = 0.1 m
        • volume = 0.03068 m³
        • m³ x 1000L = 30.68 m³
        • packedVolume = 35
        • stackableQuantity = 10
    • closes #92 - [taerobee-despin.cfg]
  • #93

  • [taerobee-fin-large.cfg]

    • rename part cfg to use hyphen
    • Add
      • DRAG_CUBE]
      • [ModuleCargoPart]
        • type = rectangle
        • x = 0.36m
        • y = 0.72m
        • z = 0.02m
        • volume = 0.00518 m³
        • m³ x 1000L = 5.19 m³
        • packedVolume = 6
        • stackableQuantity = 12
    • closes #93 - [taerobee-fin-large.cfg]
  • #94

  • [taerobee-fin-small.cfg]

    • rename part cfg to use hyphen
    • Add
      • DRAG_CUBE]
      • [ModuleCargoPart]
        • type = rectangle
        • x = 0.37m
        • y = 0.72m
        • z = 0.04m
        • volume = 0.00237 m³
        • m³ x 1000L = 2.37 m³
        • packedVolume = 3
        • stackableQuantity = 20
    • closes #94 - [taerobee-fin-small.cfg]
  • #95

  • [taerobee-nosecone.cfg]

    • rename part cfg to use hyphen
    • change [bulkheadProfiles] from size0 to size00
    • Add
      • DRAG_CUBE]
      • [ModuleCargoPart]
        • type = cone
        • radius = 0.3125 m
        • height = 0.98 m
        • volume = .010022 m³
        • m³ x 1000L = 100.25 m³
        • packedVolume = 125
        • stackableQuantity = 4
    • closes #95 - [taerobee-nosecone.cfg]
  • #96

  • [taerobee-parachute.cfg]

    • rename part cfg to use hyphen
    • change [bulkheadProfiles] from size0 to size00
    • Updated [attachRules] from 1,0,1,0,0 to 1,0,0,1,0
    • Added [buoyancyUseCubeNamed] = PACKED
    • Added FX
      • [fx_gasBurst_white] = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, decouple
      • [sound_decoupler_fire] = decouple
    • Updated [maxTemp] from 2000 to 2250 re: prototype
    • Added [emissiveConstant] = 0.7
    • Changed [crashTolerence] from 12 to 8
    • Added [preferredStage] = PARACHUTESTAGE
    • [ModuleParachute]
      • [clampMinAirPressure] = 0.04
      • [deploymentSpeed] set to 0.12 was 1
      • [semiDeploymentSpeed] set to 0.5 was 1
      • [chuteMaxTemp] = 650
    • [ModuleDragModifier]
      • [dragModifier] set to 1.25 was 1
    • [ModuleDecouple]
      • [ejectionForcePercent] = 100
      • [fxGroupName] = decouple
      • [menuName] = #TBEE-decoup-menu
      • [stagingEnableText] = #TBEE-decoup-enable
      • [stagingDisableText] = #TBEE-decoup-disable
    • Added [ModuleTestSubject], copied from MK1
    • Add
      • DRAG_CUBE]
      • [ModuleCargoPart]
        • type = cone
        • radius = 0.3125 m
        • height = 0.3 m
        • volume = 0.03068 m³
        • m³ x 1000L = 30.68 m³
        • packedVolume = 35
        • stackableQuantity = 12
    • closes #96 - [taerobee-parachute.cfg]
  • #97

  • [taerobee-science.cfg]

    • rename part cfg to use hyphen
    • change [bulkheadProfiles] from size0 to size00
    • Add
      • DRAG_CUBE]
      • [ModuleCargoPart]
        • type = cylinder
        • radius = 0.3125 m
        • height = 0.3 m
        • volume = 0.09204 m³
        • m³ x 1000L = 92.04 m³
        • packedVolume = 100
        • stackableQuantity = 4
    • closes #97 - [taerobee-science.cfg]
  • #98

  • [taerobee-sustainertank-3.cfg]

    • rename part cfg to use hyphen
    • change [bulkheadProfiles] from size0 to size00
    • Add
      • DRAG_CUBE]
      • [ModuleCargoPart]
        • type = cylinder
        • radius = 0.3125 m
        • height = 2.88 m
        • volume = 0.88357 m³
        • m³ x 1000L = 883.58 m³
        • packedVolume = 900
        • stackableQuantity = 1
    • closes #98 - [taerobee-sustainertank-3.cfg]
  • #99

  • [taerobee-tinytim.cfg]

    • rename part cfg to use hyphen
    • change [bulkheadProfiles] from size0 to size00
    • FX randsomed until [ModuleEnginesFX] changed back to [ModuleEngines]; FX returned unharmed
    • Added [EngineType] = SolidBooster to [ModuleEngines]
    • ADD FX
      • [fx_exhaustSparks_yellow] = 0.0, -0.17, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, running
      • [fx_smokeTrail_medium] = 0.0, -0.17, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, running
      • [sound_explosion_low] = flameout
    • Adjust [entryCost] = 50 from 0
    • Change [category] = Engine from Propulsion
    • Add [heatConductivity] = 0.06 note: 1/2 default
    • [skinInternalConductionMult] = 4.0
    • [emissiveConstant] = 0.5 note: yes, it's white. But let's claim it's an emissive white...
    • Change
      • [maximum_drag] from 0.3 to 0.2
      • [crashTolerance] from 8 to 7
      • [maxTemp] from 3400 to 2000
    • Add [ModuleJettison]
    • Adjust [SolidFuel] resource
      • [amount] to 35 initially 10
      • [maAmount] to 35 initially 10
      • math:
        • volume of Part in L = 349.75
        • divide by 50 for units (ratio taken from stock solidBooster RT-10)
        • multiple by 5 units per unit for SolidFuel
        • = 34.95 units of [SolidFuel]
    • Add
      • DRAG_CUBE]
      • [ModuleCargoPart]
        • type = cylinder
        • radius = 0.3125 m
        • height = 1.14 m
        • volume = 0.34975 m³
        • m³ x 1000L = 349.78L
        • packedVolume = 400
        • stackableQuantity = 1
    • closes #99 - [taerobee-tinytim.cfg]