Tarsier Space Technology Continued...

Tarsier Space Technology Continued...


Unwanted Effects in Camera window with Scatterer installed

JPLRepo opened this issue ยท 1 comments



There may be a conflict with EVE or Scatterer (probably the latter) and the TST mod. I've put a TST scope into high Kerbin Orbit. I open the camera and I see this in the scope window. The scope is pointed to Kerbol and is upsidedown in the orbit so the fact that Kerbin is on the right is not a surprise. The arc on the left is.

As I proceed around the orbit, the arc gets thicker. No land features or clouds (from EVE) appear. It's just a big blue ball and I suspect it's a layer from Scatterer. As I change the POV around the vessel with the right mouse button, i.e. not changing the orientation of the vessel, so does the view of the blue...segment, arc, chord...thingy.

Let me know if I can provide anything else.


Another report:

In recent testing under KSP 1.1.2 I have noticed the issue myself with Scatterer and EVE installed. Process of elimination and I noticed the issue still occurs with artefacts and unusual cloud lines with just EVE installed (Scatterer removed).