Tarsier Space Technology Continued...

Tarsier Space Technology Continued...


Issue with WorldFirst contract processing?

JPLRepo opened this issue ยท 1 comments



Issue with KRASH mod. Might be related to the code put in for 1.0.5 to deal with the first time contracts of thinking you have visited a body when taking pictures and then not generating a stock contract.
Need to look further into this code, and double check it actually still works under 1.1+


I don't believe the issue with KRASH mod is in any way related to TST given that the code that was running in TST no longer worked in KSP 1.1+.
New code is ready to implement that will do what was intended for TST.
KRASH mod author has implement nullref check which should eliminate the issue from a KRASH perspective. In all likelihood if the user is using KRASH with TST and they revert a simulation in KRASH it may un-do the TST ProgressTracker code I have implemented. Worst case scenario would be TST cannot block ProgressTracker for the remainder of the game session and KRASH my not revert any blocked science node progression in ProgressTracker.