


Feature Request: Enable/Disable Remote Control Option

chhhrrriiisss opened this issue ยท 2 comments


I thought this might be a bit more useful here than on the KSP forums. (I've already added a lot of posts there!).

Something that I believe would be a simple addition to the context menu on the Antenna would be a lock/unlock option for remote control via the data link. On the server side this would essentially just ignore any, f.rcs, f.throttle requests sent by the remote UI, that would normally trigger functions on the ship.

This would allow streamers to easily share the telemachus UI without any concerns of people hijacking control of the ship. There is currently no simple way to do this in bare html/js. Thanks!


The idea for people to control things while the gameplay is being broadcasted is just the coolest thing. You guys are awesome. Sorry to revive the dead thread I just wanted to share.


I agree that this functionality should be included and I will consider potential implementations.