


Support the new PartModule atributes introduced on KSP 1.12 (or missed by previous tasks) and Update the Scale Exponents

Lisias opened this issue · 2 comments


As the tittle says.

I probably had missed some atributes the last real overhaul I did on 1.7 (#35), 1.8 (#73) or perhaps on the last one in 1.11 (issue #150).

Check if I'm missing some PartModule, and for missing attributes on the known PartModules.


Note: The ModuleDockingNode will give me some headaches - how I will scale the nodeType?

                name = ModuleDockingNode
                referenceAttachNode = top
                nodeType = size1
                stagingEnabled = False
                canRotate = True
                rotationTransformName = port
                maxMotorOutput = 200
                        name = ElectricCharge
                        rate = 1
                rotationAxis = Y

Fellow Kerbonaut AccidentalDisassembly raise an important question on Forum:

One word of caution on the nodeType - mods like KSTS seem to use the nodeType defined in a part's config (maybe even as a string value or something) to determine what kinds of vessels can interact, so if a 3.75m docking port got scaled down to 2.5m and the intended behavior is to be able to dock with 2.5m ports, it would need to acquire the nodeType of the 2.5m ports and lose all others, I think... But not totally sure. Not sure what you might do with intermediate sizes other than disallow them…

My answer:

I'm planning to do what it's already being done with attachment nodes: scale it to the nearest size. Obviously, subject to further considerations.