API Documentation?
Redemption2033 opened this issue ยท 4 comments
Sorry if this is the wrong place the ask, but I can't find any documentation about the API, and I'd like to use your portals for a plugin I'm making. I see in the source there's a way to register custom tags, but I'm not too sure how I'd go about registering them properly and then determining what they do. I'm working on a mob dungeon type plugin and I'd like to let players use portals to be teleported into the dungeon, so I'd need to add a tag such as "dungeon:" but I'm not too sure if this is possible with the API and if so, how I would use the API to register the tag. Thanks.
Will be looking to write an API Doc to go over here https://advancedportals.sekwah.com/ as part of the re-code.
Initially progress was being made but Uni and life got in the way.
I have started progress on a new re-code that can be found here https://github.com/sekwah41/Advanced-Portals/tree/re-recode
The recode has code to register custom tags though that is not the code that is in production. I can put finishing this onto a higher priority as there are other developers wanting to make custom tags now.