command doesnt do anything
kennethvd1997 opened this issue ยท 24 comments
i installed the api on my fresh spigot server mc1.16.1 and i type :/desti create test and there is no answer.
and the terminaal says :kennethvd1997 issued server command: /destination create test.
What type of server are you using? (What's the name of the jar? We don't support straight up craftbukkit) Also which version are you using?
but i got it to work but there are no chat messeges to tel me if i did it right.
Which version of the plugin are you using? Are there any errors at setup? Ive seen this issue pop up more and it only seems to be with 1.16.1 and I am not sure why.
4.1.0 and there are no errors.
but I have the same issues with other plugins like worldguard an mcmmo.
they work but like half of the commands don't do anything.
Can you please try the latest version? 1.16.1 isn't supported by any before 0.5.0
No the system only saves portals in a single file. Are you saying 0.5.8 doesn't work on 1.16 for you?
it works but when I type a command or create a destination or portal there is nothing shown in the chat to inform me of what I just did.
What version of java are you using? also can you send a copy of the spigot jar you are using as we have been unable to recreate this issue so far and most people with this issue generally seem to be uncooperative.
It would be a huge help if we can get to the bottom of this :)
Try putting it as a zip you should be able to attach it here in the convo. If you cant feel free to send the jar on my discord if you have discord https://discord.sekwah.com/ (just click on rules and react to the last message to get in, its just to stop spam)
the weird thing is I tried replacing the jar file with bukkit.jar and paper.jar and both of them had the same issue even with complete clean server instal and when I replace the jar with an 1.15.2 jar it works just fine.
Testing with the exact server jar you have and same version of java you have there seems to be no issue at all.
Could you send the copy of the plugin you have? I downloaded my copy of 0.5.8 from bukkit just to be sure.
Not a single byte different from the ones ive tested. Can you try without any other plugins and see how that runs on your system?
Try giving this a try as I have compiled it with OpenJDK before (this should have compiled with the normal JDK)
If you are still having issues then I am genuinely stumped then as to what is going on then. It seems like the commands are being read in the plugins.yml but then the code isn't running for some reason and I can't see any reason why that would be if there are no error logs whatsoever. Can you try downloading OpenJDK instead? https://adoptopenjdk.net/ They are more up to date with security patches so its generally a better plan to use than the default.
At this time we are finding this impossible to replicate. Any further info from others experiencing the same issue would massively help to get to the bottom of this.