Permission for /destination create does not work
ShadK opened this issue ยท 9 comments
When I add the permission "advancedportals.createportal" to my group, I can make a portal without any problem, but I can't do the command /destination create, it says that I don't have the permission to create portals, it is as if the permission for /destination is not the same as /portal, unlike what the wiki says, cause when I OP myself I can do the command /destination
My mistake, I put it as AdvancedPortals. Please try it as caps and ill update it next release :)
Hi, it still doesn't work, but I think the reason is that my permission plugin (zPermissions) does not support caps
This weekend ill build a new copy if I remember, I have mocks this week so I cant right now
Try this, I made a quick build :) try this, ive defined the permission in the plugin.yml(i had forgotten to before but as far as i know pex works with that) and also changed it to advancedportals.desti.create