Advanced Portals

Advanced Portals


commands and permissions dont work together + portal transport issues

Scorpionvssub opened this issue ยท 5 comments


As i've mentioned in your pm box, I made 2 portals 1 with nether portals 1 with ender.
My nether = survival
Ender = creative

However creative teleports me to survival while the bungee in config is set to creative?
Also when teleport it says: fallback server may have crashed or some weird stuff like that....

As with all "bungee" portal plugins they all say that but players can just do /survival /creative etc without ANY issues or added msgs of server being down.

Also speaking of commands... i tried all permissions and none allow me to create command portals


You enable command portals in the config. Its not just permissions. Also that is on your bungee setup not my plugin. All my plugin does is send a switch server request.


no option there.


yes there is at the very bottom of the file. If you have an old version you need to update the config.


i downloaded it 15 mins ago or something

Nowhere are those options enabling anything just those nochek permission things and like i said i set those to e for no permision if op


If you op the players after enabling the o and k they should be able to make op portals