I can see my own ping, but other player's is always 0
Kenaestic opened this issue · 1 comments
As the title says, I can see my own ping, but every other player is 0 and they report the same thing happens to them.
So basically the yellow ping indicator next to my name is always on 0 next to other player's names when they get online.
# TabList Configuration File #
# Author, created by: montlikadani #
# [Default configuration] #
# https://github.com/montlikadani/TabList/blob/master/config.yml #
# #
# [Placeholders] #
# https://github.com/montlikadani/TabList/wiki/Placeholders #
# #
# [Tips] #
# - Use color coding '&' character, on this page: #
# https://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Formatting_codes #
# - If you find a bug, send here: #
# https://github.com/montlikadani/TabList/issues #
# Hook plugins
# Hooking to my RageMode plugin. (https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/69169/)
# If true, will disable the tablist, groups and the tablist objects, while
# running a game.
RageMode: false
#PlaceholderAPI use for the plugin.
placeholderapi: true
# Different playerlist in different world.
per-world-player-list: false
# Fake players that are on the tab.
enable-fake-players: true
# Ignoring vanished players in %online-players% placeholder.
# true - does not count the vanished players to placeholder.
# Requires Essentials or SuperVanish plugin!
ignore-vanished-players-in-online-players: true
# Hides player from tab when afk status.
# Requires Essentials plugin!
hide-player-from-tab-when-afk: true
# Placeholder formatting
# When the player changes the afk status, changes the tablist name format.
enable: true
# Should show the afk format in right or left side?
# true - displays in right side
# false - displays in left side
show-in-right-or-left-side: true
# Show the player group if the player afk?
show-player-group: true
# When the player is afk
format-yes: "&7 [AFK]&r "
# When the player is not afk
format-no: ""
# Time zones: https://www.mkyong.com/java/java-display-list-of-timezone-with-gmt/
time-zone: "GMT+1"
# Formats/examples: https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/text/SimpleDateFormat.html
# Used for %server-time% placeholder.
format: "mm:HH"
# Used for %date% placeholder.
format: "dd/MM/yyyy"
# Ping color format for %ping% placeholder.
enable: true
# Use color coding "&" for color.
color: "&a"
amount: 50
color: "&6"
amount: 100
color: "&c"
amount: 200
# TPS color format for %tps% placeholder.
enable: true
# Use color coding "&" for color.
color: "&a"
amount: 20.0
color: "&6"
amount: 18.0
color: "&c"
amount: 14.0
# Custom variables that will be replaced in tablist.
# This useful when we are creating a lot of lines with the same name.
# Usage: <nameOfPlaceholder>: "&6Text..."
<name>: "&8&o%player_name%"
<lines>: "&8&m======================"
<seperator>: "&6&m--------------"
<time>: "%time%"
<level>: "&l&aLvl &r&2%mcmmo_power_level%"
# Enables to change prefix & suffix in player tablist.
# WARNING! Overwrites the tabname function.
enable: true
# Refresh interval in seconds, if using animation then counts in ticks.
# Set to 0 if you don't want to refresh the groups.
# If 0 you will required to execute the /tl rl command, to reload the groups.
refresh-interval: 4
# Do you want to use animation in groups?
# This creates a new task scheduler when this enabled.
# If this true, then you need to change the refresh interval such as 4, because counting in ticks.
# If this false, then back to seconds interval.
enable-animation: true
# Disable groups in the given worlds.
# Use the list as white list or not?
# If true - Using the white list option and all worlds should be given to the list
# to show in the specified worlds.
# If false (default) - Using the disabled list option and if a world is given in the list
# the groups will be disabled in that world.
use-as-whitelist: false
#- myWorld
# By enabling this, you will be able to specify the correct Vault group name in groups file
# and if correct, then it will grant the group to player.
use-vault-group-names: false
# Hide player group in tablist when the player is vanished?
# Required Essentials plugin!
hide-group-when-player-vanished: false
# Hide player group in tablist when the player is afk?
# Required Essentials plugin!
hide-group-when-player-afk: true
# Use the essentials nickname instead of player original name?
# true - Using this format: "prefix playerNickName suffix"
# false - Using this format: "prefix playerOriginalName suffix"
# This will only works if the "changing-type" is "namer".
use-essentials-nickname: true
# Use the player displayname instead of groups?
# This supports the player "prefix playerName suffix" format like on chat.
# If the player has no any format on chat then display the player name.
use-displayname: true
# Scoreboard changing types (if you experience some problems by changing group).
# scoreboard - Maximum character is 16 (if use 1.13+ version max. 64) in prefix & suffix.
# namer - Max. character is unlimited.
changing-type: namer
# Tablist objective types
# Shows your current health (with life indicator), shows your current ping or a custom placeholder
# that shows number.
enable: true
# Types:
# ping - ping of player
# health - health of player
# custom - custom value
type: ping
# Objective settings
# The ping side next to the player's name indicates the right side.
# Ping update time interval in seconds.
update-interval: 3
# Which worlds do not show up in ping (world names)?
#- testingWorld
# The player health (life) the player's name indicates the right side.
# Which worlds do not show the players health in tab?
# Blacklisted players who do not show the health in tab.
# It only accepts number-ending placeholders, such as player levels (doubled numbers "2.1" do NOT work).
custom-value: "%player_ping%"
# Refresh interval in seconds.
refresh-interval: 3
# Which worlds do not show the custom value setting (world names)?
#- worlds
# Changing player tablist name with unlimited characters.
# Allow to change player tab name.
enable: true
# Use the Essentials nickname instead of tab name?
use-essentials-nickname: true
# How many letters should be allowed?
max-name-length: 200
# When the player left the server, delete the tab name?
clear-player-tabname-on-quit: true
# Enables color coding for tab names. ("&")
# false - disables all placeholders, symbols, and color codes.
enable-color-code: true
# Enable the default color. (If the player has not written a color code, this color will be given by default.)
enable: true
color: "&6"
# Which worlds can not be change the tab name?
#- myworld
# Which names can not be used?
- tabname
- admin
- moderator
- owner
- server
- staff
- op
- operator
- vip
- member
- guest
# Plugin Settings #
# Check for updates.
check-update: true
# Log plugin messages into console.
logconsole: true
# Plugin enable/disable messages in console.
# Use %newline% placeholder.
plugin-enable: '&6&l[&5&lTab&c&lList&6&l]&7&l >&a The plugin successfully enabled&6 v4.9&a!'
plugin-disable: '&6&l[&5&lTab&c&lList&6&l]&7&l >&c The plugin successfully disabled!'
config-version: 15
`# Tablist, header & footer with animation.
# Current plugin placeholders: https://github.com/montlikadani/TabList/wiki/Placeholders
# Use placeholders: https://github.com/PlaceholderAPI/PlaceholderAPI/wiki/Placeholders
# Use symbols: https://github.com/montlikadani/TabList/wiki/Symbols
# Use %anim:animationName% placeholder to make an animation.
# How do I use this tab section? Usage: https://github.com/montlikadani/TabList/wiki/TabList-Usage
# Enable the tab? (Header & footer)
enabled: true
# Hide tab when the player is vanished?
# Required Essentials plugin!
hide-tab-when-player-vanished: true
# What world does not display the tab?
#- "world1"
#- "worldTest"
# Blacklisted players, where the player not see the tab.
#- myname
# Tab update time interval. (In ticks!)
# Set 0 to disable the tab refresh.
interval: 4
- "&6<62><62><62>&8%date% %server_time_HH:mm:ss%&6<61><61><61>"
- "<lines>\n&6<61><61><61>&6%server_name%&6<62><62><62>\n<lines>"
- "&8%anim:ping%: %ping%&8ms %anim:tps%: %server_tps_1_colored%\n%anim:players%:&a %online-players%&7&8/%max-players%\n<seperator>"
- "<seperator>"
- "&a€%vault_eco_balance_commas%\n&8Voted: &6%superbvote_has_voted%&r\n&6%superbvote_votes%&8 &8in total.\n&8Restart: %ultimateautorestart_formatted%\n&6<61><61><61><62><62><62>\n<seperator>"
# Per world tablist
# (Optional)
# If the world name is not given, will see the default tab.
use-default-tab-if-world-not-given: true
header: "&3This is a per world plugin %anim:tablist%&3."
footer: "&6World:&7 %player_world%"
header: "%anim:perWorld%"
footer: "&6World:&7 %player_world%"
# Per player in per world tablist
# (Optional)
# If the player name is not given, will see the default tab.
use-default-tab-if-player-not-given: true
header: "&3This is a per player plugin %anim:tablist%&3."
- "&6World:&7 %player_world%"
- "&aPlayer:&8 %player_name%"
# Per group in per world tablist
# Requires Vault plugin!
# (Optional)
# If the group name is not given, will see the default tab.
use-default-tab-if-group-not-given: true
header: "&3This is a per group plugin %anim:tablist%&3."
- "&6World:&7 %player_world%"
- "&aGroup:&8 %vault_rank%"
# Per player tablist
# (Optional)
# If the player name is not given, will see the default tab.
#use-default-tab-if-player-not-given: false
header: "%anim:perPlayer%"
footer: "<lines>"
# Per group tablist
# Requires Vault plugin!
# (Optional)
# If the group name is not given, will see the default tab.
#use-default-tab-if-group-not-given: true
header: "%anim:perGroupHead%"
footer: "%anim:perGroupFoot%"`
I used to have this problem for a while and then it suddenly worked fine for a few weeks and now it has me floored again. What do I do wrong?