Everyone with the same prefix as someone thats AFK shows as AFK
Seamonster778778778788 opened this issue ยท 2 comments
When one person with a prefix goes afk, everyone else with that prefix shows as AFK in tab.
Sometimes, it flashes all with the same prefix as afk for a split second instead of staying solid afk for all of the prefix
Plugin version: 5.3.1
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I believe I am experiencing the same issue. (Not exactly the same, but the cause is likely the same)
On our server we have the groups.yml set up via permission nodes (every player has the tablist.default perm, which corresponds to the prefix/ suffix setting). Since a few hours ago all placeholders in groups.yml get resolved as if the player they were resolved for was the last player that joined. As with the issue above you can sometimes see the correct prefix/ suffix flashing through.
I also tried having the last player that joined do /afk and the afk tag was applied to all players.
Edit: I remember using /reload shortly before we noticed the issue first. (I know, you should never do it, I was lazy while testing :/)
Might be related.
Edit2: I did also turn on ip-forwarding earlier (we had it off accidentally). This might cause some issues with the scoreboard entries since the uuids switch around.