Problem in showing PREFIX in dev 359
tantrum90 opened this issue ยท 13 comments
Type of bug
Compatibility issue
TabList version
17.06 18:26:32 [Server] INFO TabList version 5.7.5 17.06 18:26:32 [Server] INFO An alternative tablist plugin to replace vanilla empty tab 17.06 18:26:32 [Server] INFO Author: montlikadani. /## I am using #359 latest build
Software version
17.06 18:27:49 [Server] INFO This server is running Paper version 1.20.6-129-master@0513374 (2024-05-31T15:53:34Z) (Implementing API version 1.20.6-R0.1-SNAPSHOT) 17.06 18:27:49 [Server] INFO You are 17 version(s) behind 17.06 18:27:49 [Server] INFO Download the new version at: 17.06 18:27:49 [Server] INFO Previous version: git-Paper-286 (MC: 1.20.2)
Relevant plugins
No response
Console error (if applicable)
no consol error
TabList configuration files
Bug description
The PREFIX of the groups is not showed: - groups config.
This was not problem when the server was on 1.20.2 and 1.20.4
Is it possible this problem to be connected to EssentialX or LuckPerms plugins, or some other plugin?
Currently I have:
LuckPerms v5.4.134
Using Essentials Chat plugin, the prefixes, groups and player-name colours are showed accurately in chat.
I see prefixes with:
Paper 1.21-9
EssentialsX 2.21.0-dev+93-3a6fdd9
LuckPerms 5.4.134
TabList 5.7.5-b361
I don't use EssentialsXChat
EssentialsChat only modifies player list name once when the user sets someone's nick name through command and TL updates groups (which is player list name basically) every 4 (or the value set in config) milliseconds (server ticks). So it shouldn't be the case
I see prefixes with: Paper 1.21-9
I was seeing prefixes on Paper 1.20.2 and 1.20.4. After updating to 1.20.6-129 there is some problem
I updated the Paper to latest 1.20.6 # 147 version, and still have the same problem.
While trying different solutions, i find out that if I set prefix per player it is working, but groups are not loaded.
and I know for sure that groups are set correctly:
There must be something related to Vault or Luckperms that is preventing to read groups in 1.20.6
@montlikadani Are you willing to share your tablist config? Maybe we do something wrong
This is my config:
And this is my groups.yml
# This global group will be applied to all players
prefix: ''
tabname: ''
suffix: ''
# Vault group name OR player name OR custom group name (custom is assigned via permission)
prefix: '&a[&cStaff&a]&6 '
tabname: '%player-displayname%'
suffix: '&7 <12>'
prefix: '&7'
tabname: '%player%'
suffix: ''
prefix: '&7<62>&r %anim:Admin%'
tabname: '%player%'
suffix: '&7 <62>'
prefix: '&a[MyGroup]&7'
tabname: '%player%'
suffix: ''
prefix: '�b4fcOWNER '
you can close the issue. I find it out what was the problem:
The order of the groups matters
If a player has more than one group added, such as VIP and moderator, you want the moderator prefix to be visible. To do this, move the moderator at the bottom after the last group, or set a sort-priority value that the plugin will sort.
Or set priority for each group, please refer to this document how priorities are working.
I moved the default group as last, and now everything works great
Welll... i think this should be easier.
Tip for the owner:
Let add custom groups through luckperms, with prio's higher than the example groups.
Thanks to both however. I fixed my problem as well!
prefix: '�b4fcOWNER '
tabname: '%player%'
suffix: ''
sort-priority: 2
prefix: '&#ffaa00MEMBER'
tabname: '%player%'
suffix: ''
sort-priority: 1