Anti World Fly

Anti World Fly


BUG With Boats

Maximas14 opened this issue ยท 1 comments


When i'm in the corner of a boat at the floor, the servers kicks me for "fly". Even when i'm at /login the server kicks me out

Plugin Version: last one

Minecraft Version: 1.16.5

Expected Behavior

i don't know

Current Behavior

The server kicks for flying

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Boat almost falling
  2. step on the corner
  3. get kicked

Context (Environment)

i just want to know if this is serious
An image:


This is a bug with Spigot/Vanilla servers' flight preventions. You can test this by attempting to reproduce this on a server without AWF installed.

AntiWorldFly never has and never will function as an anti-cheat. It has never kicked players for flight. AntiWorldFly only serves to prevent "vanilla" flight in specified worlds, it does not attempt to detect flight "hacks".

On my servers I have fixed this by setting allow-flight to true in the file.