Anti X-Ray

Anti X-Ray


Limit Message Displays Regardless of Toggle

blablubbabcDEV opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Migrated from:

Originally posted by _ForgeUser11553381 (Sep 8, 2013):

What steps will reproduce the problem?

  1. Turn the message display toggle to false in the config.yml
  2. Go mine a lot of diamonds
  3. Get the messageWhat is the expected output? What do you see instead?The expected output is no message, but it displays the message anywayWhat version of the product are you using?
    1.7.3Thanks for your support!

Originally commented by blablubbabc (Sep 8, 2013):

What message are you talking about?
If you mean the "You reached your mining limit.."-message -> there is no config setting to disable this message. You can only modify it in the messages.yml
The only message setting in the config, which I can think of, is the notification for admins.
Also, why would you want to disable the "YouCantBreakTahtYet"-message? I think that players should be informed when they can't break a block..


Originally closed by blablubbabc (Sep 16, 2013)