Run a command
blablubbabcDEV opened this issue ยท 2 comments
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Originally posted by _ForgeUser10347766 (Jan 6, 2014):
After the mining limit is reached x times could we have a command be run like:- ban XraySo we can run our own custom command^I know it's possible innocents may reach the limit however this option would be disabled by default.Also speaking for myself I would increase the limits to be even more generous and only impliment the ban after the limit was reached x times. This would only ban xrayers then and would be a hassel free way of dealing with them.- Andrew
Originally commented by blablubbabc (Jan 6, 2014):
I change your ticket from "bug" to "enhancement". I guess that fits it better.
I will definitely think about adding this as option. If I can't figure out any potential issues with it, I might add it :)
Even though it shouldn't actually hurt that much to not ban your players/potential hackers for reaching their limit to often, because they can't gain that much of an advantage anyways, because of the limit.. and the "hardcore xrayers" will very likly leave early anyways when they find out that they can't cheat to their full potential extent, no?
Originally commented by _ForgeUser10347766 (Jan 6, 2014):
Yes, thanks for changing this ticket to enhancement.
With regard to the request:
Well on my PvP server there are still hackers that stay on the server and xray as I keep getting warnings of overmining, these players also most probably use hacks in PvP which is actually what I am worried about and not xraying a few ores or even many.
However if these players are xraying ores then there is a 100% chance they are using a hack of some sort and this would be a good way to ban them efficiently to keep the server clean of those sorts of hacking players that simply xray ores then use hacks like force field in PvP.