Autorank stopped
NJ2013 opened this issue ยท 3 comments
I have been using autorank with no issue for a month or so now and went to manually add a player to a perm for a prize and then reloaded groupmanager and then had a player almost immediately tell me they lost there rank and at a longer look through chat many had done so right in that moment i worked on perms whether it is connected or not. I was able to manually add them back but wasnt sure if it was working and now i cant even /ar check it has completely broke i shortly after its initial break updated to the newest version and the issue didnt expand after that it was early today that /ar check stopped
Reloading Groupmanager is known for causing problems. When you need to reload, just completely restart the server. What does /ar check show when you use it?
Ok that is good to know i will alert my admins of it. Yesterday it had been responding as if the plugin was broke including throwing an error into console but now today it seems to be fine again.
Will the ranks return when they get to the set times or what will i have to do to return the ranks?