


Error occurred while enabling Autorank v3.4 (Is it up to date?)

BlueSoapTurtle opened this issue ยท 4 comments


Trying to add some stat requirements from lolmewnstats.
Advanced config(check the part with the Hero):
Error log (just the part about autorank):

Using the latest version from the spigot page. maybe I should use the dev build?

Edit1: Used the dev build, still didn't work. moved back to 3.4.


Just a few notes:

I'll manually add requirements over time.

Also, make sure to stay on the dev version. 3.4 has some nasty bugs in it.


alright. Fixed the 'here' to 'hero'

new requirements and results can be added by other plugins that hook into the Autorank API
these are the ones that are included in the main plugin:

I thought it would be possible for me to add requirements from the stats plugin?


Yes, but Autorank does not support all Stats requirements automatically. The sentence you quote is meant to be read by developers. They can make custom plugins that allow you, as a user/admin, to add extra requirements. I will however add the eggs thrown requirement for you ;)


oh. alright, makes sense now :)
how difficult would it be to implement some more of the stats?
eggs thrown, tools broken, arrows shot, food eaten(omnomnom), deaths, bedenter bucketfill
Made 35 ranks for my server with these as extra requirements to make it harder to rankup.
Really thankful for you making the plugin, it's a great feature to have on any server. You should make a paid version with tons of more requirements or something ๐Ÿ‘