My players are keep promoting - MAJOR ERROR AND HELP
arreyazat opened this issue ยท 6 comments
it seems to be that when my Players promote, after the promotion they keep getting the message they got again and again!
My config file is:
Enabled: true
Debug mode: false
Message prefix: '&8[&5TrinityPvP&8]&7'
Leaderboard layout: '&p | &n - &th hour(s) and &m minute(s).'
Essentials AFK integration: false
from: Guest
to: Survivor
required minutes played: 32
message: '&2Congratulations, you are now a Survivor.'
from: Survivor
to: Member
required minutes played: 200
message: '&2Congratulations, you are now a Member.'
from: Member
to: Veteran
required minutes played: 20160
message: '&2Congratulations, you are now a Veteran.'
And WTF? I literally just noticed an advanced config... Anyway here it is:
Autorank 2 Advanced Config
Please use the SimpleConfig unless you know what you are doing and
need functionality that the SimpleConfig doesn't provide.
use advanced config: false
all other advanced settings are ignored if this is set to false
afk integration: true
If a compatible AFK plugin is found autorank will not count online time for AFK players
This option is always on when using the SimpleConfig
Currently supports: Essentials
use partial completion: true
When this is true, players can use /ar complete # to complete a requirement at any moment they like.
When this is false, players will only be able to /ar check and check for all requirements at one time. They would need to have all requirements at that moment.
interval check: 5
This is the interval between checks of Autorank (in minutes).
Lowering this number will increase accuracy but will also increase server lag.
leaderboard layout: '&6&r | &b&p - &7&d day(s), &h hour(s) and &m minute(s).'
leaderboard length: 5
changes the appearance of the /ar leaderboard command
&r : Ranking in the leaderboard
&p : Player name
&m : Minutes (with full days and full hours not counted)
&h : Hours (with full days not counted)
&d : Days
&tm : Total amount of minutes
&th : Total amount of hours
value: 10h
rank change: guest;member
command: 'say &p just got a promotion; broadcast &p has just been promoted to Member!'
message: 'Congratulations, you are now a member.'
value: 5d
value: 10
value: world_nether
value: 0
has item:
value: 50
rank change: member;vip
command: 'say &p has just been promoted to VIP!; give &p 1 100; tell &p You have just earned 100 stone!'
message: 'Congratulations, you are now a vip.'
new requirements and results can be added by other plugins that hook into the Autorank API
these are the ones that are included in the main plugin:
time: 1d 1h 1m
exp: 20 (level)
money: 2000 (requires vault ! Player has to have at least this amount of money)
world: world_nether (player has to be in this world to get ranked)
gamemode: 1 (player has to have a certain gamemode, 0 = Survival mode, 1 = Creative mode, 2 = Adventure mode)
has item: id(;amount;data) (checks the players inventory for the item)
blocks broken: id(;amount;data) (a player has to have broken x amount blocks of item id and data) (Requires Stats) (when no data or amount is given, it will check total blocks)
Example: break 10 magenta wool would be: 'blocks broken: 35;10;2' 35 = itemid, 10 = amount, 2 = damagevalue
blocks placed: id(;amount;data) (a player has to have placed x amount blocks of item id and data) (Requires Stats) (when no data or amount is given, it will check total blocks)
votes: 10 (player has to have voted at least 10 times) (Requires Stats and Votifier)
damage taken: 10 (player has to have taken 10 damage) (damage is not counted in hearts) (Requires Stats)
mobs killed: 5;spider (player has to have killed 5 spiders) (if no entity is specified, then any kill counts) (Requires Stats) (for a list of entities:
location: x;y;z;world;radius (player has to be in a location or within its radius)
faction power: 10 (Amount of power a faction has to have) (Requires Factions)
players killed: 10 (Player has to kill at least 10 players) (Requires Stats)
global time: 10d 1h 5m (Player has to be online for at least 10 days, 1 hour and 5 mins) (Global time is the accumulated time over all servers you have connected the MySQL database with)
total time: 50d 1h (Player has to be with this server for at least 50 days and 1 hour) (The time from when the player joined for the first time is the reference point. This means that when a player has joined 3 weeks ago, his 'total time' = 3 weeks)
rank change: new-rank
rank change: old-rank; new-rank
rank change: old-rank; new-rank; world (only works for permissions plugins that support this)
message: 'You got ranked up'
command: 'say &p hi; give &p 1 100'(executes a console command. &p will be replaced by the player name) You can perform more commands with the ';' sign.
effect: STEP_SOUND;8 (first argument is the effect name, second is the effect data. For a list of possible effects go to
tp: x;y;z;world;yaw;pitch (tp: 0;0;0;world_nether;1.0;2.0)
enabled: false
hostname: localhost:3306
username: root
password: ''
database: minecraft
table: autorank
When check-for-new-versions is true, Autorank will tell you when a new version is available.
check-for-new-versions: true
When auto-download is true, Autorank will automatically download the most recent version
auto-download: false
This is serious and I am looking for an answer, thank you.
You need to download the latest beta version and remove the old Autorank folder. Then let Autorank create a new one.
Can you please evaluate
apologies, however could you furthermore explain and maybe give a step by step understandable tutorial please - much appreciated.
You'll need to delete all Autorank folders. Then, download the 2.8 beta and install it on your server. When you run your server, it will create a new folder called Autorank. In that folder you'll find a few files. You can use the simpleconfig and advancedconfig to configure rankups.
Anything else...?
And don't the advancedconfig and the normal conf give the same options... Just the advanced conf gives the option for players to have more 'stuff' before promoted.
No, you just need Autorank to create new files. The 'normal' config is not used anymore. Only the AdvancedConfig and SimpleConfig are used.