Autorank 4 not auto ranking players
frizzbee30 opened this issue ยท 4 comments
Hi, I wonder if you can help. We currently use 3.8 with no issues in live, but I'm eagerly testing 4 on our test server. We currently have the below advanced config running great in live. After 10 hours on the server players automatically rank up to explorer in our survival maps only (we run multiverse)
value: 10h
rank change: Traveler;Explorer;Survival Map
command: 'pex user &p group set Explorer "Survival Map_the_end"'
message: 'Congratulations, you are now an Explorer.'
However, when transferring to paths in version 4, there is no 'auto rankup' and the plugin demands that a path be chosen by name? There is currently only 1 path, plus we would always want players to follow this path, then if we add more , there would be a choice.
We are aiming to give secondary titles to players according to play time and world (which adavanced.yml will do), but I'm a bit wary that version 4 won't do the same after testing.
paths config
in group:
value: Traveler
value: 10h
rank change: Traveler;Explorer;Survival Map
value: pex user &p group set Explorer "Survival Map_the_end"
value: Congratulations, you are now an Explorer.
infinite pathing: true
Could you advise? I have also tried adding the auto complete option too, with no success.
The infinite pathing has been added to replace the removal of infinite ranking from settings.yml :)
Yes, you are right. Someone else also mentioned this issue and I completely forgot to include this functionality! I'm working on it right now to add an option to allow you to choose whether a path will be automatically chosen by Autorank for that player. Stay tuned, I'll update in a few hours.
same problem and very happy to hear it is being addressed. Your plugin is the beating heart of my server.
Good to hear so many admins love to use it :) I've already updated the wiki with a new 'feature': https://github.com/Armarr/Autorank-2/wiki/How-to-configure-the-Paths.yml-file%3F#automatically-assign-a-path-to-a-player
I'll post a new beta update now!