[Help] A more dynamic Ranking system.
nassarmh opened this issue ยท 1 comments
So I'm using KingdomsCraft as a way for new players when joining for the first time will have a default Rank called, Outcast (Here Autorank should be disabled). then After exploring spawn, they can Choose to either take one faction or another using an NPC. (NOTE: there are only two Kingdoms). After that, comes the ranks for each Kingdom's ranks which is applicable with KingdomsCraft. however, if I wanna Integrate AutoRank to perform the auto ranking for each hierarchy and have the OutCast rank unrankable unless it changes to a faction's Initial rank? How can I do so?
Thank you so much in regards!
Just don't tell Autorank that the OutCast rank even exist.
for example:
You have as first Kingdom rank (after you selected one) the Scarce. and the next rank is the knight.
than you have to write the path from scarce to knight:
in group:
value: scarce
value: 10h
value: /lp user &p promote kingdomA
I hope this will help you. Let me know