


Autoranker > Autorank - process advice

TheLecturer opened this issue ยท 3 comments



I don't fully understand the relationship between the data.yml file, the Autorank mysql table, and the /ar sync command, so would like to sanity check what I think I need to do to migrate from Autoranker to Autorank.


5 spigot servers in a BungeeCord network.
Each server has Autoranker and LogBlock.
LogBlock is using a shared database table (lb-players) for all servers.
Players get ranked for "the network" as opposed to having different ranks per server.

Proposed steps.
The following steps to be completed before allowing ANY users on the system - complete network shutdown.

1. Remove Autoranker plugin from all servers.
2. Install Autorank to server #1 and configure.
3. Install LogBlocktoAutorank converter to server #1 and configure.
4. Run "lta convert" on server #1. This creates a fully populated "data.yml" file for Autorank based on the LogBlock data.
5. Run "ar sync" on server #1. This populates the Autorank sql table with the contents of "data.yml".

All good so far. This is where I become a little vague...

6. Install Autorank to server #2, and copy over ENTIRE Autorank plugins folder, i.e. all the config files and the exact same "data.yml".
7. Run "ar sync" on server #2.

8. Repeat steps 6-7 for the remaining servers.
9. Cross fingers, hold breath, let the rabble back on....



You don't need to use /ar sync on the other servers. Only on server 1. You copy the complete Autorank folder to the other servers. That should do it.

Autorank uses the data.yml for local time. The data.yml stores the time a player has played on that particular server. The mysql table is representing the total time on all connected servers, or some prefer to call it their network. You can see it with /ar gcheck. The /ar sync commands adds the local time (so the data.yml) to the global time (the mysql table). This is used when admins turn global time on a after a while. The data.yml and mysql would then be out of sync.


Ok think I got it. Thanks.

