


[Essentials] looking up groupname of "playername"- guest - caused by autorank??

GamingZane opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Hi there,

since this morning i'm have a huge problem with my mc server:
when a player joins a server it start spamming in console this:

[Essentials] looking up groupname of "playername" - guest
[Essentials] looking up groupname of "playername" - guest
[Essentials] looking up groupname of "playername" - guest
[Essentials] looking up groupname of "playername" - guest
[Essentials] looking up groupname of "playername" - guest

and sometimes 10 times per second. and that causes a internal exep.

if it is not autorank, can you maybe guess what it is?

it thought GM but that gives no errors, and in the cfg of essentials i cant find anything that is related to that...

if there a any cfg's you need let me know.

Kind Regards


This is not a problem with Autorank. You should go to the Essentials bug reporter and see if they can help you. I'm sorry, but I don't really know what that error means.