- 4
Autorank group error that is unknown
#498 opened by zippyx17 - 2
Several same type requirements
#499 opened by jfernandz - 7
Paths.yml was wiped, rebuilt it, now players are restarted on their path.
#500 opened by jonassm - 1
- 1
Automatically choose path.
#502 opened by ALufkin24 - 1
Add /ru choose <path name> <player>
#503 opened by thenzs - 11
Change behavior of /ar check command.
#504 opened by TheIntelloBox - 0
Could not use " exp " Requirements
#505 opened by pinoylifecraft - 0
Add results for Requirements
#506 opened by Mattp00 - 11
Internal Error When Running Command And PreReq Group Not Being Detected
#507 opened by heckabecca - 5
Could not set up requirement 'time'
#508 opened by Sidious82 - 0
Using show based on prerequisites gives internal error
#509 opened by TomLewis - 6
I want donators to also be able to rank up.
#513 opened by devonkeith - 0
[request] Add teleported from Stats3/Statz
#510 opened by TomLewis - 1
[bug] Needs to be a delete or reset last group
#511 opened by TomLewis - 0
Task #1030 for Autorank v4.0.7 generated an exception
#512 opened by C4BR3R4 - 0
YAML-related 1.12 startup error on 4.0.7
#514 opened by SXRWahrheit - 1
- 0
[request] Support "Content Management Interface" statistics
#516 opened by TomLewis - 1
Changing rank doesn't work
#517 opened by Wilci - 0
Statz and OnTime won't connect.
#519 opened by xSorch - 0
"rank change" is not a result?
#518 opened by Wasdspacemouse - 0
New world.
#520 opened by MineServidorCraft - 2
NPE on '/ar check'
#522 opened by DeKleineKobini - 0
Multiple commands for results
#521 opened by Keystirras - 1
Errors on server start up
#523 opened by Redstonetorch - 0
[Autorank] Task #92908 for Autorank v4.0.7 generated an exception
#524 opened by MrPinkyyy - 0
Block Placement requirement not working correctly?
#525 opened by Redstonetorch - 6
Autorank 2 not promoting?
#527 opened by MrPinkyyy - 2
[request] (Again) A proper path tracking system.
#528 opened by TomLewis - 3
cannot track witherskeletons or zombiepigman as a requirement.
#529 opened by FatalBlade - 2
Re Ranking (Do-over)
#530 opened by sharkybushbaby - 2
Port Autorank to Sponge.
#531 opened by fcpwiz - 1
Please, update to 1.12
#532 opened by C4BR3R4 - 0
Bungee cord mysql time sync doesn't work(v4.0.7)
#533 opened by xXxH3LP3RxXx - 3
Task #38 generated an exception (at startup)
#534 opened by jeffm13 - 4
Autorank not working for /ar or hardly any of the commands!
#535 opened by dillonk01 - 8
Items to Rank up.
#536 opened by sharkybushbaby - 9
issue with 4.0.7 Dev 10 exception
#538 opened by frizzbee30 - 9
Auto Rank Setup
#537 opened by MobBootyHunter - 0
How to disable the interval check?
#540 opened by JeanRossa - 2
Using AdvancedConfig.yml, not ranking up
#541 opened by Prxmium - 1
Autorank v4.0.7 generated an exception while executing task 69
#539 opened by hasanas83V2001 - 4
Time help!
#543 opened by kadenmohr - 1
"Autopath" but in an specific world?
#542 opened by Shilodabing - 4
Custom description for Requirement not working
#544 opened by LordDarmix - 2
Written Books problem
#545 opened by LordDarmix - 6
AR Not Hooking into Jobs
#546 opened by AlbinoTucan - 4
Multiple Auto-Choose/Complete Paths
#547 opened by TheSaltyPug - 1
[Suggestion] /ar rankup to prevent forcing the player to rank up
#548 opened by AlbinoTucan