


Feature Request: Match time end warning

aperson opened this issue ยท 4 comments


I know this was discussed in IRC, but I'll put it here for good measure:

Matches generally have a two hour limit. AutoRef should be able to send out a warning that indicates the amount of time left in a match. This could happen at 30, 20, 10, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0 minutes left in a game. Optionally, AutoRef could announce a warning that if the users do not place their wool on/near their monument, that it will not be counted towards their team if the match ends at the 120 minute mark. Additionally, to the last point, AutoRef could determine the winner of a match by what teams have wool placed on/near the team's monument.

The main goal of this issue is the countdown, everything else is optional/additional.


I support this feature. For RMCT purposes it will also need to know the scheduled end time of a match (as matches end two hours from the scheduled start time, not the actual start time).

Also, the referee should ideally have the ability to extend the match beyond the time limit and/or disable the warnings if they wish.


I'm a fan of config files, though maybe not something that's map-specific? Why does it need to be standard? We, as a group, have always had a time limit. That's our needs. Others might have a preferred time limit, and others might not want one. To me, standard = default.


I welcome suggestions for how this should be implemented. This would be great for RMCT, but has trouble extending to a general plugin. For this to work, I see a few things needing to happen: RMCT needs to implement a standardized time limit (perhaps 90 min). Then this can be accomplished by either a command (/autoref timelimit 90m), or a default setting in the config.

Otherwise, this would be a difficult feature to add for RMCT. As a standard feature, I like it though.


@aperson there's a plugin config file too.

Personally, I think it's best if you've a way of doing that in the config file. That way, for the normal plugin use, people can play with wathever time limit they want.

And for RMCT use, I think you could implement something (secret) like matchEndsAt, and when the match stats, it calculates how long the match is gonna last and from there on, it works like normal. If matchEndsAt is set, the other one is ignored. It requires a lot of coding though (but you could write it in your starting script)... The other option is that the ref has a command to change the time-limit and has to do that if the match starts later than the normal time, but I know that you're not a fan of commands so maybe that isn't a solution...