DTC/TDM Mode Implentation and XML
96alexmr opened this issue ยท 11 comments
Add features for Destroy the Core and Team Death Match
Also be able to add a XML file to a world folder and use the XML file for that map. This would be good for DTC and TDM.
The update to the format (XML) has been done for some time, and technically TDM is supported by the new goal system, though some work could be done to improve it. I am going to close this issue, as it no longer serves any real purpose.
An XML file that could be set up like this:
"Like this" and "exactly this" are two different things. You're asking me to support PGM's format, as if my own format is unsuitable. Even if I did have permission to use PGM's custom configuration files (I don't), what inherently makes theirs better than mine?
If I had their permission (again, I don't), I might be willing to consider supporting it.
I'm sorry, I don't want you to steal there format. I thought it would be an easy drag and drop feature that would be neat, but I guess your format does that as well. Any-who is there gonna be any future plans for DTC and TDM?
It would be a nice feature. I'll talk to @mrapple about maybe supporting their format, but I have to respect their wishes if they would prefer that AutoReferee not make use of their files.
DTC and TDM are both possibly incoming. There is going to be some work done in the next few months to attempt to support more varied gametypes rather than just RFW.
I haven't had a chance to look in-depth at the way AutoRef is coded, but from what I gather it's completely oriented around the RFW gamemode. We actually completely recoded PGM about 4 months back to be completely abstract and support adding new gamemodes at any time. It's because of this recode that we were able to add full RFW support in under a few weeks time.
If @authorblues needs any design help/implementation details, I'd be glad to help.
Yeah, I've noticed that your files are pretty abstract these days, detailing most of the game rules in the file itself, which is pretty impressive, to be honest. Being able to abstract competitive Minecraft to such an extent is truly an impressive feat. I'm probably not too far from doing something similar myself, but I haven't had time to sit down and figure out exactly how I plan to do that.
I welcome the opportunity to pick your brain in the future.
You know what if @mrapple and @authorblues worked together, I think that we would have the best plugin/mod ever created in minecraft!... lol, just a thought!
lol @Honney