


Permission to bypass teleport cost

Pandemonious opened this issue ยท 0 comments


Hello, and thank you for this plugin. Its unique, clever, and works great.

Perhaps you could add a permission to bypass the cost to teleport when "payment-mode" is set to "xp" or "money." It could be something like beaconwaypoints.costbypass, and when set to true, would not charge the player. That would open up the door to several possibilities. It could be used to give premium players/admins a pass. Obviously ops would then not pay to teleport, which seems appropriate. Personally, I would use it to allow players to pay for a 24 hour teleporting pass by putting a perm with an expiration behind a paywall.

Not to get too deep into the weeds of the idea but:
It would also be cool if the cost could be reduced by a certain factor configurable in config, perhaps even seperate tiers, each with their own permission and their own factor. So like if the factor is 0.5 then the cost would be multiplied by the factor if a given permission is set to true.

Thank you for reading, just thought this would be an interesting idea, and I've had players requesting some type of "bus pass" type thing that they could buy for these waypoint teleports.

Best regards,