- 7
Crimson & Warped Break Recipes
#361 opened by Moyye99 - 0
Brewery file missing.
#363 opened by Stamp42 - 0
Question/Suggestion: Glowing Bottles
#364 opened by CanadianJokes - 4
ERROR: Old Data took too long to load! Mutex: 0
#362 opened by EnvyEnfys - 4
Custom Drinks/Brews
#365 opened by Albeion - 4
`enableWake` does not work
#366 opened by Wolf2323 - 2
Player Death Resets Drunkeness Level
#367 opened by LeiteArts10 - 1
YML failes to load
#368 opened by GeneralJosh - 1
Feature Request: drunk slurring repurposed as a general word swap/censor plugin/option
#369 opened by kuraiskrap - 3
Can we make "milk in a bottle" to do the same effect that milk does removing effects?
#370 opened by TomLewis - 3
Why cant I use /brew give BrewName 10 Playername from console, so I can use it in kits?
#371 opened by TomLewis - 2
Formatting Bad Potion Names
#372 opened by Maie13 - 0
Custom items in brewing
#373 opened by tiofall - 1
#375 opened by tiofall - 4
[1.12.2] Mushrooms/Leaves/other blocks can't be put into the cauldron
#376 opened by TheGreatWeegee - 1
Not able to use Crimson Wood as a barrel type
#377 opened by KjetilKnutsen - 4
Dupe Distilling Bug
#379 opened by Justinclewis94 - 0
Feature Request: Player Customization
#380 opened by XavierDare - 1
alcohol poisoning death
#382 opened by Smedve - 1
Allow custom color codes for the lore
#383 opened by Nekron297 - 2
Brewery/MMOItem ERROR: Could not check MMOItems for Item
#384 opened by Monurisis - 1
How to make rum?
#385 opened by shenmu-rua - 9
Can't add block items to cauldron
#386 opened by mobberbobber - 1
Keine Color Codes als erste Stelle möglich.
#387 opened by HoudiniJD - 3
Can't add new recipes.
#388 opened by apelsin222 - 1
Enter permissions for each recipe.
#389 opened by Darutan92 - 1
Cant get my Aries Hand to add any of the ingredients to the couldren
#390 opened by sadbri - 1
&f Colour Code And Vanilla Items Not Supported?
#392 opened by blackquiver - 1
[Request] Enable glowstone consumption during distillation step
#391 opened by VeteranDrenor - 4
Tried adding recipes broke the plugin
#393 opened by PHZ710 - 2
When i join the server it crashes
#394 opened by Auseawesome - 1
I can't brew anything
#395 opened by emvo0 - 2
i need to be sure of something otherwise i can't sleep at night
#396 opened by jory0111 - 2
Can't create brews that need other types of alcohol as ingredients
#397 opened by GeneralDarian - 1
[Enhancement] add permission-based brews
#398 opened by GeneralDarian - 3
Can't make absinthe
#399 opened by fistiG - 3
I can't add my own language
#400 opened by cajop - 0
Bugreport: Open Sealing Table with SHIFT+Rightclick
#401 opened by JaHollTV - 2
Drink Command Messaging Player
#402 opened by Maie13 - 1
[Request] Throwable alcohol
#403 opened by pandelex - 2
Feature Request: Mixing Drinks
#404 opened by Elafir - 3
[Question]: Specify custom config path
#405 opened by Feefkroete - 1
Add Chinese translation for wiki
#406 opened by Ltfjx - 1
Problem with making custom recipes
#409 opened by JakonSU - 3
[Feature Request] Brew Soup
#410 opened by Haronken - 1
Delay between servercommands
#411 opened by HoudiniJD - 2
All recipes that require aging but not distilling are now broken
#412 opened by ReasonFoundDecoy - 0
[Idea] Exotic Garden Foods as Undrunk Items
#413 opened by Zykana - 14
[Issue] ExoticGarden Fruits Not Working
#414 opened by Zykana - 1
Cheat Programm wertet Betrunken als Fly/Cheat program evaluates drunk as fly
#415 opened by toefte