Client doesn't see any chunks on instant update
KonoromiHimaries opened this issue ยท 20 comments
New Timings
@tuanjr Do you see the new skin or do you have the same chunk issues like @mat41997
i have the same chunk issues like mat41997. As i said
i have same problem, it's happen when player run /skin command on "pvp time" (combat time with pvpmanager plugin).
Could you try that:
New version is uploaded. Same link. It will now check if the teleport was succesfull. If not, send the chunks manually in a 3*3 radius.
i have same problem, when player run /skin command on "pvp time" (combat time with pvpmanager plugin).
@games647 yes.
Current, on my network, ChangeSkin install only on bungeecord, as you said in another topic. But with this way, player must logout to update skin. If install ChangeSkin on BungeeCord, connect to Mysql, and install ChangeSkin on every bukkit server, with this way, skin update instant (dont need logout).
So what is correct way to install?
Yes Indeed and activate bungeecord support in your spigot config. Sorry for that.
@mat41997 Could you try? https://github.com/games647/ChangeSkin/releases/tag/1.4.1