


[BUG] BlockedWord list ultra sensitive

fatmagic opened this issue · 14 comments


Describe the bug
I have a large BlockedWord list, and it's hyper sensitive to partial words (which is OK I guess). Such as when someone types "lava" it was blocking them due to the word "va" being blocked. I had to remove "va" to allow "lava" to be typed.

Currently the word I can't seem to fix is "who". No one can type "who" some reason, even though it's even on the list as a partial (I removed "whore" and it's variations, and it's still blocking it).

Can we get some sort of verbose error-trapping in the console so I know what word it's being caught/matched on? I could then remove or adjust the offending word. I don't know what words to remove to make this work properly, as any word with "who" has been removed from the list.

Thank you.


Jeter - here is the (attached as ZIP because GitHub doesn't allow YML)

With this config, I still can't say the word "who" - it says it's blocked. But I don't have any words with "who" on the list.
If I remove all the BlockedWords entirely, then I can say "who" again - but of course, no bad words are blocked!
Very strange.

Appreciate your help on this!

EDIT: So you know, I'm running this on the latest version of Spigot on Java v17.


Thanks for sending, I think this is the longest list I've ever seen xD I will try it out later today


Fixed by #142, is released in v3.2.1.
Seeing which word blocks the message can be seen by setting debug=true in chatex config file :)


OK Jeter - I will try this out and let you know!
Thanks for adding that in so I can see what is going on.


@Jeter - so the debug works great, thank you. But now the words are absolutely case-sensitive. Which is very bad.

Example... on my list is "Anus". Now it will ONLY filter "Anus" with a capital "A" and lowercase "nus". If I type "AnUs" it allows it. If I type "anus" it allows it.

I would have to make the word match list insanely long to account for every possible variation of spelling with lowercase and uppercase interchanging!

Sorry for the bad news :( I am reverting to 3.2.0 so people can't get around the filter as easily.

See log examples below:



Hello, I will take a look into that tomorrow! Thanks for reporting! May you send me your ChatEx config.yml file?


For sure - let me finish cleaning it up (I found some duplicate words). Then testing it one more time, and will send you the YML this afternoon.


Hey Jeter - any luck on finding a way to fix this? Don't mean to rush you - my players are upset about the blocked standard words (about 12 common words blocked we've found - LOL). Would love to debug these today :) :)


Not yet, I'm still at work. Will do when I get at home.


v3.2.2 is building right now, you can download it from github when ready and test with that. Please tell me if everythings fine


Damn it can't build because purpur repo is offline, can you please contact me on the discord server so I can send you the new build?


Jeter what is your Discord?


Just adding final comment that this fixed my issue, and is working great now!