ChestShop (iConomyChestShop)

ChestShop (iConomyChestShop)


"Economy account from shop owner doesn't exist"

kairizal805 opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Plugin Version

version 3.11 build 213

Plugin Config


Server Version

Paper version git-Paper-174 (MC1.16.2)

Server Log


What other plugins are you running?

AdvancePortals, ClearLag, CoreProtect, DiscordSRV, EntityTrakerFixer, Essentials, EssentialsAntiBuild, EssentialsChat, EssentialsGeoIP, EssentialsProtect, EssentialsSpawn, HolographicDisplays, IPortal, Jobs, KeepDeathDrop, LUckPerms, mcMMO, Multiverse-Core, Multiverse-Portals, PlayerSettings, Sleep-most, StackMob, TAG, TimeIsMoney, Vault, Votifier, VotingPlugin, VoxelSnipier, Wild, WorldEdit, WorldGuard

What is happening?

Players trying to purchase items from shops receive [Shop] Economy account from shop owner doesn't exist

What did you expect to happen?

Additional context

A few days ago I added a couple more voting links to the server. I reloaded the server to make sure the changes went through. But when I looked at the server console, LuckPerms had issues with my account. So I restarted the server. Later on a player tried to purchase item from an offline player's shop and received the above message. However, Player was able to purchase items from my shop while I was afk. I disconnected and player was still able to purchase from my shop but no other players. I had another player try. They had the same issues. I thought the morning automatic restart might fix it.

Yesterday, same issues were still going on. Posted on Spigot and messaged on Kiwi for help but forgot to check back. A player was able to make a purchase from an online player's shop and that shop owner was able to make a purchase from an offline player's shop. I'd like to assume that everything is fixed but better be 100% sure.


Please test if this happens on the latest development build too. If so then please provide your shop setup as well as your users.db file