update to 1.14.4 API
Tsoccerguy3 opened this issue ยท 3 comments
update to spigot API 1.14.4
update names . example grass is now minecraft:grass_block
On 1.14.4 using Multiverse-core 4.1 and CleanroomGenerator , I get 1 bedrock 2 dirt 1 grass , with this Multiverse entry . I should get 1 bedrock and 20 water . I have worldborder plugin and trimed chunks back to the border and then issued a /wb fill , command and got flat grass . The only thing i can think of is that 1.13 is very different than 1.14.4 api and so cleanroom gets ignored
==: MVWorld
hidden: 'false'
alias: SancityRevival
color: WHITE
style: NORMAL
pvp: 'true'
scale: '1.0'
respawnWorld: ''
allowWeather: 'true'
difficulty: PEACEFUL
==: MVSpawnSettings
==: MVSpawnSubSettings
spawn: 'true'
spawnrate: '-1'
exceptions: []
==: MVSpawnSubSettings
spawn: 'false'
spawnrate: '-1'
exceptions: []
==: MVEntryFee
amount: '0.0'
hunger: 'false'
autoHeal: 'true'
adjustSpawn: 'true'
portalForm: ALL
gameMode: SURVIVAL
keepSpawnInMemory: 'true'
==: MVSpawnLocation
x: -984.5
y: 5.0
z: -389.5
pitch: 0.0
yaw: 0.0
autoLoad: 'true'
bedRespawn: 'true'
worldBlacklist: []
environment: NORMAL
seed: '-2466819008911170254'
generator: CleanroomGenerator:20|minecraft:water
playerLimit: '-1'
allowFlight: 'true'
Can you try with v1.1.1 at https://dev.bukkit.org/projects/cleanroomgenerator/files/3073918?